Events Archives
Good morning, and welcome to Print Fetish. My name is Sarah Forbes Keough and I'll be one of your editors. We stayed up all night getting the site ready to go and I'm embarrassed to admit, I'm sitting here reading US Weekly and drinking a soda. It's a rare moment, but strangely soothing this early in the morning. So this blog. I'm excited to share my magazine obsession with the world at large—to wax poetic about lil mini zines found behind shelves in bookstores, to point out and giggle over the embarrassing and unfortunate choices made by glossies, to talk about the craft of making books, magazines, and works of print art. So yeah... Let's get started.
Yes... I have a problem. I spend a lot of money on magazines. I fetishize them. I don't throw them away EVER. They become furniture and decoration. I could probably afford that operation if I gave them up. I keep all my receipts and add them up for tax season - it's truly disturbing. I have an excuse, I'm a designer - so "I have to keep up to date." Yeah. Well, now I have another excuse to write off my purchases... this blog. I can now spread the word on all the hidden treasures I love, and have a soapbox to debunk the supposed quality and slickness of some of the better selling magazines. I don't care about mainstream versus underground, or any outmoded dichotomies. I do care about the glut of crass consumerism and the current obsession with celebrity gossip thats creating landfills. So I'll try to inform you about work that is simply superb, wether it's big time or DIY. Buy art!
THURS, dec 14
Book launch for David Sandlin's Swamp Preacher.
Printed Matter, 5-7pm
Dirty Hands: A Group Print Show.
Cinders Gallery, 6-10pm
Filter Magazine Party
Ben Sherman Store, 96 Spring St, 8-11pm
Have fun, my friends, and take advantage of the free booze, for god's sake.
Dirty Hands, A Group Print Show
Cinders Gallery
Brooklyn, NY
December 13-January 11, 2006
Ralph and I wandered around Thursday night drinking coffee and looking in bookstores. We ended the evening at Cinders Gallery on Havemeyer Street in Williamsburg. Cinders is a gallery which doubles as a store selling affordable and sometimes wearable art (from silk screen prints to handmade scarves). The Dirty Hands Show was opening that night and was full of new work by artists who make prints. From what I could tell most of the work was silkscreen stuff. Some of the show's stand-outs are: Julian Langendorff's etchings, the Bongout silkscreens, Marc Bell's etching and watercolors, and Ryan Jacob Smith's silkscreens.
Photos of the gallery after the jump...
Continue Reading Dirty Hands Show @Cinders Gallery
Last night I was making dinner at my house when I got a phone call about the LTTR issue #5 release party and show in progress around the corner. I shoved the few remaining brussel sprouts in my mouth, grabbed my camera, and ran over. Unfortch, I missed most of the entertainment, walking in during the last act: two cute kids singing a bad cover of U Got It Bad.
Positively Nasty, the 5th issue of queer feminist art journal LTTR, looks fantastic. Thick brown cardstock cover, spiral-bound, a plastic pouch of stuff inside. I'll write more about it once I actually get a copy and read it. The party was fun, but I wish I'd gotten there earlier. Was anyone else there? If you got there on time, tell us what we missed in the comments.
More photos after the jump...
Continue Reading LTTR
Art book publishing giant Taschen is having a bicoastal warehouse sale this weekend and I am so there. In New York, Los Angeles, Paris, and Köln from Thursday, January 18th to Sunday, January 20th. Details for the city near you are here. I'll be going to the New York one on Friday and will let you know what I get. If anyone else goes, let us know about your, heh, booty.
Oooh! This is cool. I just got an email for an opening tonight of The International Flip Book Festival at Secret Project Robot. The show is presented by Little Cakes, a small East Village gallery in the front of artists Hanna Fushihara Aron and David Aron's ground floor apartment. The show is up from January 18th to February 11th, 2007 and is at SECRET PROJECT ROBOT, 210 Kent Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11211. And the opening is Thursday, January 18th from 7 to 10pm.
Artist Andrew Jeffrey Wright, a member of Space 1026 in Philadelphia, started The International Flip Book Festival four years ago as a film festival without the film. The flipbooks are submitted into one of four categories: Live Action, Animation, Experimental, and Documentary. Like a traditional film festival, The International Flipbook Festival will be awarding prizes in each category at the opening reception. Go check it out. They're also going to serve sweet treats like cupcakes!
A full list of participating artists after the jump!
Continue Reading Flip Book Festival!
I'm going to this event tonight at a cute store on Mott st. called I Heart. The event is for the release of a book of drawings called Castles and Christians by J.Penry. GHava{Press} is putting it out. Our friend Magic Andy is djing. And I'll take some pictures. I think it'll be fun. Go to it also.
Here's the info:
Thursday, January 25th, 7-10pm
New original works to be hung and sold by Mr. Penry and signed limited edition copies of CASTLES AND CHRISTIANS including an original drawing in each one.
Special guest performance by: CHEESEBURGER
262 Mott Street
between Prince and Houston
Cool lesbo magazine Girls Like Us has a new issue out with the lovely and amazing Beth Ditto of The Gossip on the cover. They are having a party for it tonight at the Slipper Room, on the corner of Stanton and Orchard. It starts at 8ish. I'll drop by after I go see Karole Armitage at the Joyce Theater.
Happy Andy Warhol Week! This Thursday is the 20th anniversary of Warhol's death and Factory Craze: A Week of Warhol at the Gershwin Hotel will be celebrating his life and work with events all week. Party promoter/curator Earl Dax went to the private opening ceremony yesterday and had this to say:
"The event was fabulously messy and filled with many off the cuff recollections. Robert Heide recalled Andy Warhol asking "When do you think Edie's going to commit suicide...? I hope she'll let us know, so we can film it," and Ultra Violet observed "The Factory was a like a multi-level marketing firm with no pay." Penny Arcade brought the room to a hush when she noted that "Warhol's greatest accomplishment was convincing the the art world that he was a painter when he really was an art director. You can see Andy Warhol's impact today because there's not a lot of art in art, but there's a lot of art in advertising."
A quick side note: I went to Penny Arcade's garage sale on my first day in New York and she gave me a fedora and told me some stories about the neighborhood. A list of events, including a panel discussion of Warhol's influence on publishing, is after the jump...
Continue Reading Warhol Week
David LaChapelle signs copies of his new book Heaven to Hell (TASCHEN 2006) at the Taschen store in Soho this Thursday, February 22nd, 6 to 8PM. He's a big candy coated homo - go have a lick!
TASCHEN Store New York
107 Greene St. (between Prince and Spring streets)
Zing, one of our favorite art mags, is apparently having a party - even though the fate of the magazine itself always seems in question. Come back to the 5 and dime, zingmagazine, zingmagazine.
Zing Magazine Armory Fair Celebration
Tribeca Grand: Sunday, February 25th: 8pm-1am
Music by Spencer Sweeney and Sascha P
Complimentary Cocktails 8pm-9pm
RSVP here for Zing Event
Speaking of art mags, Documenta 12 Magazine launches. Edited by the curators of Documenta 12, the contemporary arts event held in Kassel, Germany. Haven't seen it yet, but it's in our to buy list.
Yesterday we went to The Armory Show and it was seriously overwhelming. I figured the massive pier full of art would be easier to handle if we travelled in a pack and with beer. It helped. I'm not going to get into what I thought were the highlights and lowlights of the show, because honestly I have no idea where to begin. As we were leaving a friend asked me what I liked the most and all I could say was, "Hey wasn't it nice to run into Franklin at Peres Projects. What a cute hat he was wearing!" So instead I'll show you photos of the Open-Book store, the Armory's temporary art book store designed by the Acconci Studio and produced by Deitch Projects and D.A.P. The store was made from big swooping sheets of plastic anchored by wires that shocked you when you touched them. Ow! According to the Steidl site, "The Acconci Studio design takes as its starting point a horizontal plane which has been suspended, cut and folded." Steidl Books was there showing some of their big special editions including Ed Ruscha's enormous and beautiful THEN & NOW.
Continue Reading Open-Book Store
Ms. Keough is on her way to Paris to be in an art show... but she didn't bother to convey to me or anyone else anything about the show 'til just now before she boards the plane. The girl's got issues... and I'm not talking about the stack of I-D's in the bathroom. In any event, Ms. Keough's photography will be in the show "Compulsive" at the Jalou Gallery in Paris. There is an opening party on Saturday, March 3rd. I'm not sure what time, 'cuz no one bothered to tell me. Hopefully we'll see pics of the trip soon.
Coverage of this weekend's Colophon 2007 is starting to heat up over at MagCulture Blog. I just have to say, I am so so so jealous. I was hoping to try to pop by after my week in Paris but instead had to return to New York and make some money. If they do it next year, I'm there but for now at least I can read about it.
If you live in or around NYC, I'm here to help with your plans for the evening of Thursday March 22nd:
Inside Job art opening at An Earnest Cut & Sew
821 Washington Street
Btw Little W 12th & Gansevoort
Wooooo #4 Launch & Inside Job afterparty
The Anchor
310 Spring Street
Btw Hudson & Greenwich
(P.S. I'll have more on this magazine after I actually see a copy)
And here is and excerpt from the press release for the event at Earnest Sewn:
An Earnest Cut & Sew & Wooooo magazine proudly present ‘Inside Job’, and exhibition consisting of works produced by artists from Ohio to Berlin employed by galleries/museums as receptionists, art handlers, registrars, and directors. All included artists help bolster the established while quietly breaking tradition and reinventing the future of contemporary art. Their works inspire optimism and a fresh sense of narrative. Exhibition curated by Carlos Quirarte and Jason Crombie.
Drop in and visit me as I work the gallery hours at Live With Animals in Williamsburg. The show that's up is called Fancy's Follower and is paintings and drawings by Francesco Lo Russo, Michelle Mcshane, and Linnea Vedder. It's good! Also bring me a sandwich! 4-7pm 210 Kent Ave at Metropolitain, Brooklyn.
Capricious Magazine & Loden Dager Invite you join
ARI MARCOPOULOS Celebrating the publication of his new photo book FLOW: Selected Photographs 1982-2006, Texts by Angelique Spaninks, Jeremy Sigler
Kate Fowle and Will Bradley, Published by MU/Veenman / Distributed by D.A.P.
7 to 9pm, Saturday April 7th, 2007
147 West 29th Street – 5th floor
Between 6th & 7th Avenue
New York City
Music by DJ Mitchalota / /
Hm. Sunday is Easter. So you'd think there'd be something fun to do like Metal Karaoke or I don't know something with strippers or a city-wide easter egg hunt. But I can't find anything good. I'll probs get some brunch somewhere but if anyone has any other ideas, let me know.
XO, have a good weekend.
The only good lesbo mag around, Girls Like Us, is having a party tonight for their new issue. If you're in NY, come meet us there. Here's the flyer:
Our fabulous friend Betty just started a blog called First Person List: An Insider Art Guide to Happenings, Performances, and Openings. Hm, I Can't Seem to Stop Initial Capping Every Word! whew. anyway. Check Betty's blog for something extra cool to do. She's usually in NYC but sometimes wanders off to other places like London or SF. I know this doesn't really have anything to do with print or magazines but I'm sure invites to the best magaziney parties will show up on her blog...
Printed Matter, the world's largest non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of publications made by artists and one of my favorite shopping destinations, is having a spring benefit party at Hiro Ballroom on May 15. The hilarious and genius John Waters is hosting. Performers include Terence Koh, Peaches, Flaming Fire, and the DJs MEN: JD Samson and Joanna Fateman of Le Tigre. Terence Koh's ritual spectacle will result in a limited edition fundraising multiple. MEN play music all night. There's a less expensive after party you can go to if you're not too in the money this month. We love Printed Matter. It's a great cause and you should go and give them money.
Printed Matter Benifit
Tuesday 15 May 2007
Hiro Ballroom at The Maritime Hotel
371 West 16th Street
VIP Reception 7:30 – 9pm
Afterparty 9 – 11pm
tickets here
This summer Printed Matter presents a history of the legendary '60s folk rock group The Fugs. The Fugs were started by Lower East Side poets Ed Sanders and Tuli Kupferberg. While reading up on the band just now I discovered that the word "fug" originates from a euphemism for "fuck" used in novels from the 40s and 50s. It was most famously used in Norman Mailer's The Naked and the Dead. The first time I heard The Fugs, a friend played me their song Group Grope and I was hooked. These guys are nuts. It's hard to put it into words, so I'll give you a lyric sample: "I'm not ever gonna go to Vietnam. I prefer to stay right here and screw your mom." I think with everything so crazy in the world, right now is a perfect time to revisit The Fugs. The war getting you down? Listen to Kill For Peace. Erosion of our civil liberties pissing you off? Try The Government Surveillance Yodel.
Printed Matter will have complete sets of Kupferberg's Yeah and Swing magazines as well as the full run of Sanders' Fuck You: A Magazine of the Arts. I've been wanting to see these for ages. The show opens this Saturday, June 2nd from 5-7 at Printed Matter, 195 Tenth Avenue, NYC. The bands' records and various other ephemera will also be on display. I'm psyched, let's go!
Danish zine gallery/store T.T.C. (Telefon Til Chefen) has a big zine show up through July called Zine Soup. If you're in the neighborhood of Denmark between now and then, go check it out and then come back and tell me about it. In the meanwhiles, there are quite a few scanned pages of beautiful looking zines to browse through on the gallery's site.
From "Moving Plastic Castles" by Tommi Musturi, 2007.
From "Alexander" by Emil Alsbo, 2005.
From "Sigrid #1" by Sigrid Astrup, 2007.
If you were unable to trek over to Luxembourg for the first Colofon International Magazine Symposium, there's a video report up on their site. Go take a look and be a part of this "great big shared love of magazines." Their site also has a whole bunch of photo galleries of the weekends' events. It's like we were there!
(Photo by Eric Chenal)
At Printed Matter tonight from 5 to 7 is a book launch for the latest title in A.R.T. Press' Between Artists series, which features Amy Sillman and Gregg Bordowitz. 195 Tenth Avenue (at 22nd Street).
From Printed Matter: The Between Artists series pairs artists whose work shares similar formal and conceptual concerns. The resulting conversations comprise books that offer straightforward, intimate investigations of artwork and related sources of interest. Following conversations between Paul Chan and Martha Rosler, Liam Gillick and Lawrence Weiner, Silvia Kolbowski and Walid Raad, the fourth and latest title in this series features a conversation between Amy Sillman and Gregg Bordowitz.
(Pictured above is Cliff 2 by Amy Sillman. I like her paintings.)
Paper Cuts, the NYT books blog, has a cool slide show of old book ads. Pictured here is Edna O'Brien looking awesome in an ad for her book August is a Wicked Month.
The Freakanomics people muse on what the world would be like without libraries. ack!
From Book Slut: Yet another article on indie publishers money problems but this time with some positive notes.
Not exactly a book event but too good not to mention... go see the hilarious genius that is Dynasty Handbag tonight at the Dixon Place Hot! Festival. They are also screening The Quiet Storm, a short film about Ms. Handbag by Hedia Maron. 258 Bowery. 8pm. $12-15.
Sunday night Jerry Stahl is reading from Love Without, his new book of stories, at the Open City Series at KGB Bar. 85 East 4th @ 2nd Ave. 7pm. Free.
FRIDAY: Photographer Mike Brodie who's book I recently reviewed has a show at SF's Needles + Pens. It opens tonight. If I were anywhere near SF I'd totally go. 6-9:30. Needles + Pens. 3253 16th Street. SF, CA.
SATURDAY: Printed Matter is finally open again after their annual inventory and I am psyched to go shopping there. This Saturday they're having a party and t-shirt sale. One Size Fits All: Artists’ T-Shirt Summer Spectacular kicks off at 4 and there'll be beers and djs and an ice cream truck and t-shirts hanging from the ceiling, the windows, and clotheslines all over the store. Here's the laundry list of artists involved: William Bahan, Douglas Groupp, Maya Hayuk, heartschallenger, Kayrock and Wolfy, Nelson Loskamp and Uzi, Noah Lyon, Maya Miller, j. morrison, Asher Penn, Jasper Sebastian Stürup, Eric Shaw, Adam Shecter, Elizabeth Sporleder. 4-7. Printed Matter. 195 Tenth Avenue. NYC.
SUNDAY: And Sunday? Well, hm. I want to go see Husbands at the Museum of the Moving Image in Queens. Perhaps I'll drop by P.S. 1 on my way and see the Linder show. Linder is the British artist who did the Buzzcocks' Orgasm Addict cover among other cool things.
The 7th annual Portland Zine Symposium starts tomorrow and I wish I was there for it. I'm not a big conference attender or group activity participator but I am pro traveling around and meeting new people. And I seriously love Portland. And that rare occasion where you attend one of these events and unearth some fantastic little zine/record/person makes it worth showing up. Over the next two days, they'll be tons of workshops that cover everything from tips for Gocco printing to queer zines to how to make a zine for free as well as a big room of tables selling zines and other lil stuff. I believe there are also some parties with bands. See the site for more info and a schedule. If you're in the neighborhood, go to the Zine Symposium and come back and tell us about it. And make sure to take advantage of the many other things Portland has to offer, including but certainly not limited to beer, sitting on porches, Powell's Books (the largest independent bookstore in the world!), thrift shopping, cheap food, nice pals, cute boys, and late night wanderings. Pictured above is the poster from the 2001 zine symposium. This years' dates are August 11-12.
DUMBO's PowerHouse Books kicks off their big summer sale tomorrow but rumor has it, it's already begun. They have tons of art, fashion, and pop culture books as well as limited editions, weird objects and children's books. According to their site, the sale includes books by Larry Fink, Danny Lyon, Patrick McMullan, Jeff Bridges, Helen Levitt, Bruce Gilden, Ari Marcopoulos, David Yellen, Janette Beckman, Martha Cooper, Ricky Powell, Richard Hell, and the Beastie Boys, among many others. Get down there and buy yourself some end of summer presents. 37 Main Street, Brooklyn, NY. For info, call 212 604-9074 x101 or check the site.
Printed Matter's annual New York Art Book Fair kicks off tonight at 548 West 22nd St. with a benefit preview from 6-9. The main fair starts tomorrow at 11am and ends Sunday at 5pm and it's free! Over 120 publishers from all over will be there to show and sell contemporary art books, art catalogues, artists' books, art periodicals, and ’zines. Cool events this year include J+L Books' DVD release party, a discussion and book signing with the Evil Twins, Ian Svenonius reading from his bizarro manifesto/book The Psychic Soviet at the ANP launch party, and more! Full list of events here. Mr. Mcginnis and I will be in attendance. Expect book fair coverage from us early next week. Woo.
Mr. Mcginnis and I took a nice stroll through the New York Art Book Fair on Saturday. So much to see! So many books! So many tote bags! Two floors of the Dia:Chelsea building full of tables staffed by cute, well dressed nerds. The first floor was mostly larger companies, like D.A.P., and rare art book sellers, like Glenn Horowitz Booksellers. I went to an opening at Glenn Horowitz's once and they have so many things I want... for so much $$$. Then up to the second floor where the cool kids had their booths. The first stop on the way in was the ANP Quarterly booth. Their new issue is awesome but more on that later. Also upstairs was an exhibit called Friendly Fire, a curated selection of independent publishing by artists. For me discovering little small books and art items at the artists' tables is the reason to go to the fair. Edie Fake was cutting and folding a new lil magazine next to the Islands Fold table of really cool looking comics and across the way from my old friend Darin Klein who was selling a selection of his old zines, a box he made, and art by friends. Over the next week or so, Mr. Mcginnis and I will be reviewing the stuff we bought and talking more about what we saw and who we met at the fair. But for now.... some pictures!
People browsing.
One Star Press' really cool shelf.
Continue Reading New York Art Book Fair 2007
The fair made me feel incredibly poor... especially the snarky OneStar Press French dude who showed me a $10,000.00 book by Austrian artist Heino Zobernig. Doesn't that miss the point of the accessibility of books? Just saying. He wouldn't let us photograph it either! Fortunately, right next to him was a free copy of ANP. Maybe I could have gotten more free junk if I'd bothered to have Print Fetish cards made up... but I keep forgetting. As luck would have it, our famous asses were given some pretty books by Brian Kennon from 2nd Cannons and Nick Neubeck of Seems Books. I have no problem paying, but by the time I got to their tables, I had already spent too much. This is an expensive "hobby," let me tell you.
Continue Reading More on The New York Art Book Fair 2007
I know it's early in the day for me to be telling you where to go at 6pm, but I trust you will be able to handle this information....
Our friends at Capricious magazine are launching their 7th issue at 147 West 29th street 5th floor between 6th and 7th aves from 6-9. Drop in, let them know how rad they are and grab an issue! Flyer below:
Tuesday October 23rd: Ed Hamilton, writer and Chelsea Hotel blogger, is reading from his new book Legends of the Chelsea Hotel at the 6th Ave Barnes and Noble. 675 Sixth Ave @ 22nd St. 7pm. Free.
Also tonight at 7pm, you can truck up to the Guggenheim for a panel discussion entitled The Worst of Warhol. I'd like to go to this. From the email about it: "Focusing on Warhol as publisher, collector, chronicler, publicist, and progenitor of a larger-than-life public persona, discussants entertain the provocation: Is the worst of Warhol really the best of Warhol?" Panelists include Richard Prince and Robert Nickas. Guggenheim Museum. 1071 5th Avenue @ 89th St. 7pm. $10.
Wednesday October 24th: Luc Sante and Tim McLoughlin are reading from New York Calling: From Blackout to Bloomberg at Spoonbill and Sugartown in Williamsburg. New York Calling was put together by blogger/New York historian Brian Berger of Who Walk in Brooklyn. Berger will also be at the reading to talk about stuff, things, and his book. 218 Bedford Avenue. 7pm. Free.
Saturday October 27: The School of Visual Arts is having an open house for its new MFA program in design criticism. The program's Chair, Alice Twemlow, will be presenting an overview of the curriculum, while faculty members Philip Nobel, Alexandra Lange, Emily Gordon and Steven Heller (also the program's co-founder) will be there to answer questions. 133 West 21st street, 1st floor. 2-4pm. Free. (via Core 77)
Through Sunday October 28th: This week is your last chance to see Mike Nelson's mind-blowing installation, "A Psychic Vacuum," at the old Essex Market building on Delancey and Essex. Brought to us by Creative Time, this dizzying maze of rooms, items and smells reminds us that great things still happen in New York. Go, get lost, be amazed. 117 Delancey @ Essex. Friday through Sunday. 12-6pm. Free.
Photo from A Psychic Vacuum by f. trainer.
Tuesday October 30: Writer, critic, interesting fellow Greil Marcus reads from his new book The Shape of Things to Come: Prophecy in the American Voice at the Union Square Barnes & Noble. Go early, cruise the mag racks and then listen to Marcus talk about America, Twin Peaks, political speeches and Philip Roth. Barnes & Noble, 33 E 17th St. 7pm. Free.
Wednesday October 31: Happy Halloween! I always have a hard time deciding what to do on Halloween. Email list Nonsense NYC sums it up, "Halloween can be really shitty....Somehow it's become a major business too, with elaborate store-bought costumes turning everyone into pop culture jokes or slutty parodies: Last year we went out in Manhattan and it was pretty much a Boschian nightmare of naughty nurses, sexy cops, and drunk asshole vampires." So what do you do? If you've never been to the Halloween Parade, you should probably go check it out. This year's parade has a "Wings of Desire" theme. Let's see, you could go as an angel, a German, Peter Falk, a piece of the Berlin Wall? The parade starts at Spring St. and goes up 6th Ave. 7pm. Free. If you're not in the mood for that, I say make yourself a costume and go walk around looking for a party to crash. If you're in SF, I guess just stay home. What a drag.
OR Night of the Living Dead is playing at MOMA. 11 W. 53rd St., nr. Fifth Ave. 6pm and 8pm. $10.
Thursday November 1-Sunday November 4: Editions/Art Books Fair 2007. This year the E|AB celebrates their 10th anniversary by moving into The Tunnel in Chelsea. That space is huge. I can't wait to go look at all the books and items. Here is a full list of the many participants. The gala is on Thursday night, costs $50, and benefits P.S. 1 Contemporary Art Center. The rest of the weekend the fair is open to the public for free. The Tunnel, New York, 261 11th Ave.
Tuesday November 6: The Brooklynites at Word in Greenpoint. Various Brooklyn dwellers—including the usuals Jonathan Lethem and Paul Auster—read their bits from writer Anthony La Sala and photographer Seth Kushner's new book about Brooklyn. There will also be a slide show. As yet no word on whether there'll be punch and pie. Word Bookstore. 126 Franklin St., Greenpoint. 7:30pm. Free.
Also tonight: Booklyn Arts Alliance, a publisher/educator/distributor of books based in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, kicks off their monthly First Tuesday salon. Have some questions about your book project? Want to meet some book artists? Join Mr. Mcginnis and myself there this evening and definitely bring punch and pie. 37 Greenpoint Avenue, 4th floor. 7-10 pm. Free.
Wednesday November 7: Miranda July and Harrell Fletcher at City Lights Books showing work from and talking about their new book Learning to Love You More, a collection of completed assignments from their website/project of same name. 261 Columbus Ave., SF, CA. 7pm. Free.
Thursday November 8: The Atlantic's 150th Anniversary at NYU's Bobst Library. Atlantic contributors on hand to read and talk about the magazine include Christopher Buckley, Arianna Huffington, P.J. O’Rourke and Tom Wolfe. They say there will also be a surprise musical guest. Hm! And you get a free copy of the current issue. 70 Washington Square South. 7:30. Free.
Wednesday November 7-Sunday November 11: Paper Magazine LA Project. NY's Paper Magazine continues to celebrate their love for Los Angeles with this annual LA Project thingy, a series of parties and art events based out of a temporary storefront on LaBrea. For a list of events, go here. The opening night party is tomorrow and is an exhibit of paintings by Phyllis Diller and polaroids by Henry Garfunkel. Over the weekend, the storefront will be open 24 hours. 233 South LaBrea (near 3rd Street). Various times. Free.
Last night Ms. Keough, myself and our pal Mariana went down to Greenpoint to meet these cool, crafty kids at Booklyn. We checked out a lot of gorgeous books, had some beer and got a few cool presents, pictured above. They've really inspired us to get down to business on our own book projects. Booklyn is an incredible resource for learning about bookmaking and maybe even getting your own book distributed. If you don't know them, nows the time. Thanks Amy and Cat, and also Jeremy!
The 6th Annual New Orleans Bookfair
Saturday, November 10th 10AM to 6PM
500-600 Blocks of Frenchman St.
New Orleans, LA
Even the little ole' scarred town of New Orleans is having a bookfair this fall. Believe it or not, people still live there, still read and write and are still producing books, 'zines and events! New Orleans is alive and kicking! Even though you might not be in N.O this weekend, you can still check out these wonderful New Orleans books and organizations - buy some stuff to support the local creative economy!
Continue Reading New Orleans: Alive and Printing!
Monday November 12: Bob Christgau, writer, former Village Voice music editor, and all around awesome guy, presents a reading from Best Music Writing 2007 which he edited with Daphne Carr. Contributors include Sasha Frere-Jones, David Kastin and Elisabeth Vincentelli (who ponders the politics of the Eurovision Song Contest). I've always wanted to know more about the mystery that is Eurovision. And I'm a longtime fan of both Bob and Housing Works Bookstore. Housing Works Bookstore Café. 126 Crosby St. 7pm. Free.
Tuesday November 13: An Evening with Grand Union at Anthology Film Archives. Ooooh! Grand Union was an improvisation group of downtown New York choreographers that originated at the Judson Church specifically out of Yvonne Rainer's Continuous Project-Altered Daily. Members of this amazing group will be reuniting at this event, including Rainer, David Gordon, and Douglas Dunn. This program is a part of Performa07, the performing arts biennial that's going on right now all over town. Anthology Film Archives. 32 2nd. Avenue. 7:30pm. Price unknown. I assume regular movie ticket price. Side note: Reinventing Dance in the 1960s is a good book to read about this period of dance and performance art history.
Also on Tuesday: Circus '68 at Home Sweet Home, 131 Chrystie between Delancey and Broome. Hosted by Flaunt Magazine. 10pm - Late. Free beer. See Flyer Below.
Wednesday November 14: A reading series at Happy Ending? I can't recall an evening spent there sober enough to pay attention to someone reading something... But I'd like to give it a shot, er I mean a try. This week's guests are short-story author Jonathan Baumbach (On the Way to My Father’s Funeral) and novelists Sam Michel (Big Dogs & Flyboys) and Irini Spanidou (Before). Happy Ending. 302 Broome St. 8pm. Free.
Thursday November 15: Bruce Benderson reads from his new book Sex and Isolation at NYU's Bobst Library. Bobst. 70 Washington Sq South. 6pm. Free.
Tuesday November 27: Celebrating the Renegade Press at ACA Galleries in Chelsea. This series features a different indie publisher each month. November's guest is Big Game Books (of Washington, D.C.). Big Game Books editor Maureen Thorson will host and there will be readings from Sandra Beasley, Shafer Hall, Ada Limón, Logan Ryan Smith, and music from Alex Battles. Wine, cheese, and crackers, too. Curated by Boog City editor David Kirschenbaum. ACA Galleries. 529 W 20th St. 6 pm. Free.
Wednesday November 28: True crime writer Joe McGinniss reads from his book Never Enough about a pair of rich, doomed brothers—one murdered in Hong Kong and the other found stabbed to death in Connecticut. I'm a nerd, I love this kind of stuff. Upper West Side Barnes and Noble. 2289 Broadway @82nd. 7pm. Free.
Also Wednesday: Former Harper's editor Lewis Lapham is talking about his new magazine Lapham's Quarterly at Border's Books. His journal will have new articles on current events as well as historic essays on similar topics (war, economic issues, etc). Interesting. Border's Books. 461 Park Ave @57th. 7pm. Free.
ALSO also Wednesday: Jeez Weds is a big day this week. The PEN American Center has a new series at South Paw in Brooklyn where they bring artists and writers together to discuss what makes writing matter today. This week we've got writers Rick Moody and Wesley Stace (also known as the musician John Wesley Harding) and singer-songwriter Sufjan Stevens.
Saturday December 1-Sunday December 2: The New York Center for Independent Publishing is having its annual indie and small press book fair this weekend. There are tables full of books and things to browse as well as a bunch of talks and programming from publicity how-tos to a panel on sex and violence with Amy Scholder, Chad Post, Slava Mogutin, and Sinan Antoon. Also, weirdly, A Public Space literary journal faces off again the New York Review of Books in a literary trivia quiz contest. I'll probably go to this on Sunday. New York Center for Independent Publishing. 20 W 44th St. Sat 10am–6pm. Sun 11am–5pm. Free.
J&L Books are having a party tonight for their four new titles at ICP. They make such lovely things. If that's not enough to send you up to ICP, they're serving wine and snacks. I just got the email today so, here is the info:
Stuff I Gotta Remember Not To Forget by Darin Mickey
Golden Palms by Ed Panar
72 Girls and Some Boys Who Could Be Models by Anne Daems
J&L Video by various artists
Friday, November 30th from 6 to 7:30pm @International Center of Photography, 1133 Sixth Avenue (@ 43rd), NYC
Tonight, Friday December 14: Helmut Lang's first solo art show, Next Ever After is opening at the journal's gallery in Williamsburg. The show is the result of a year-long collaboration between the journal magazine and Lang. The Winter 2007 issue of the magazine has a big feature on Lang with studies for Next Ever After and a conversation between Lang and curator/writer Neville Wakefield on his move from fashion to art. 168 N 1st St Williamsburg. 6-9pm. Free.
Also tonight: Community Books in Park Slope is hosting a reading and party for WFMU's book, which we reviewed recently. WFMU will be broadcasting live from the bookstore as Bronwyn C., Ellery Eskelin, Dave the Spazz and other WFMU personalities entertain. I bet this will be fun. Community Books. 143 7th Ave @Carroll St. 6pm. Free.
Printed Matter has three book launches this weekend:
On Saturday December 15th, there's a party for both Kathe Burkhart’s The Liz Taylor Series: The First 25 Years, 1982-2007 and Guy Richards Smit’s The New Adventures of Grossmalerman #1. Burkhart's book contains almost every image the artist has made of Liz Taylor since 1982. One of her paintings is pictured above. Smit's comic trilogy stars his artist anti-hero Jonathan Grossmalerman, a loathsome character who is constantly involved in various gross misadventures. This first installment takes place at his art opening and includes some accidental decapitation, egomania, international intrigue, and other assorted bloody things. Printed Matter. 195 10th Ave @22nd St. 5-7pm. Free.
On Sunday December 16th, Printed Matter is having a party for artist, critic, and Art Forum production manager Jeff Gibson's book Sarsaparilla to Sorcery. In the book, Gibson combines abstract photographs of light sources with images torn from old encyclopedias. Printed Matter. 195 10th Ave @22nd St. 3-5pm. Free.
Simultaneous launches for DOT DOT DOT #15 and F.R. DAVID #2 in London and New York with lectures transmitted to both locations from the other. The two magazines will be sold together for $25 in NY and £12.50. God, the value of the dollar sucks.
New York, 7pm
Dexter Sinister
38 Ludlow Street (Basement South)
New York, New York 10002
London, 7pm
Gallery and Studios
8 Angel Mews
London N1 9HH
Thursday, January 31: Happy Ending, the once fun now strange and boring night club on Broome St., has been hosting several reading series in the early evenings for some time now. Tonight they've got a special event brought to us by literary forces from the windy city, including Make Magazine, featherproof books, and Danny's Reading Series. Writers/readers include Joel Craig, Matthew Zapruder, and Zach Plague. Happy Ending. 302 Broome St. 7:30. Free.
Saturday, February 2: Artist Barbara Bloom is showing more of her collections of made, found and organized objects at Printed Matter. Her work is also on view at ICP right now. You could have a Barbara Bloom day and hit them both! Printed Matter's opening is also celebrating her new book, The Collections of Barbara Bloom just out from Steidl/International Center for Photography. Highlights of this show include one of my favorites, Playboy Vol XLI No. 1 (1994), a braille edition of Playboy—to which Bloom added a fold-out photographic insert of Marilyn Monroe reading James Joyce’s Ulysses as well as a rare edition of Weimar a box of chocolates mimicking a book, which the artist designed for the city of Weimar in 1996. Printed Matter. 195 10th Avenue, 5-7pm. Free.
Sunday, February 3: Totally awesome playwright Richard Foreman will be at Housing Works bookstore and café to talk to playwright/Law & Order guy Eric Bogosian about his new book Bad Boy Nietzsche! And Other Plays as well as to celebrate the 40th anniversary of his Ontological-Hysteric Theater. Also on right now is Foreman's play Deep Trance Behavior in Potatoland at the St. Marks Church. Go see it, and feel free to bring me with you. Housing Works. 126 Crosby St. 7pm. Free.
Magazine We Love Capricious is hard at work on their ninth issue and asked me to share with you their call for submissions. They're going one step further from their signature style of perforated pages of photos and creating a poster issue. The theme is Animals and the deadline is March 1st, 2008. Here is their statement and guidelines for sending:
The Animal issue is a tribute to the Animal world, but also an examination of how we exist with Animals today. They were our beginnings. They were the first. We owe them our bodies and the structure of our minds; prove us wrong, if you don’t agree. They are a remedy to our terrible loneliness. Where do we belong in nature now? Where do they belong? This is a research of your best friend, your fear, your dinner, or desire. You tell us your story.
Continue Reading Submit: Capricious #9
Friday February 8: Publish and Be Damned opens at the Goethe Institut’s Ludlow 38. Dude! Publish and Be Damned is a public library consisting of over 300 international publications, assembled since 2004. The collection includes fanzines Ziggy, Zowie, Blondiak, Dark Star, Useless; magazines Control, Pablo internacional, Inventory; critical journals Dot Dot Dot, Copenhagen Free University/Infopool, Metronome, Anarchitektur, Fucking Good Art; plus glossy periodicals such as CRASH!, Re-Magazine and video and cassette editions including Audio Theory and Audio Arts. Ludlow 38. 38 Ludlow, btw Grand and Hester. 7-9pm. Free.
Saturday February 9: Co-editor of North Drive Press, Sara Greenberger Rafferty has an installation in the show that's opening Saturday at D'Amelio Terras gallery in Chelsea. The press release says, "Rooted in Vaudeville, slapstick, and 1960's stand-up routine, Sara Greenberger Rafferty's work uses comedy as an accessible language through which one can investigate political, social, historical, and interpersonal concerns." It also mentions Carol Burnett and an overturned table. I'm into checking it out. 3 Rooms. D'Amelio Terras. 525 W. 22nd St. 6-8pm. Free.
Sunday February 10: Heeb, the new jew review, presents an evening of readings at Joe's Pub. Billed as a chatty get-together, this event's theme is “Sex, Drugs & Gefilte Fish” which is also the name of their upcoming story anthology. Featured writers include Rachel Shukert (Have You No Shame?) and Alix Strauss (The Joy of Funerals). Joe's Pub. 425 Lafayette St. 7pm. $15.
(pictured: an image by Sara Greenberger Rafferty.)
Tonight: The Hamburger Eyes book is officially out and the hamburgers are having a party for it at their space, The Hamburger Eyes Photo Epicenter. Today is also the anniversary of the space opening and the birthday of the magazine. This party I'm sure will be hella fun. Too bad for me it's in SF. 26 Lilac Street, San Francisco. 5pm. Free.
Friday February 15: Albert Maysles, half of the great documentary filmmaking and brotherly duo responsible for such amazings as Grey Gardens and Gimme Shelter, will be signing copies of his book at Stephen Kasher gallery. I love this guy. Side note: I assisted on a shoot for Kate Spade once and Mr. Maysles was one of the models. He was wonderful to talk to and kept falling asleep everywhere. His book, A Maysles Scrapbook, is full of photos, stills, notes and other writings and accompanies an exhibition of Mr. Maysles photographs at the gallery. Stephen Kasher. 521 W. 23rd St. 6-8pm. Free.
Saturday February 16: A launch party for Habitus magazine's third issue. The theme is Buenos Aires. 2 Obras magazine is co-hosting and making its New York debut. Argentine artists Damian Kaliyeski and Dulce Sturla will have work on display. The Gowanus Studio Space. 119 8th Street, Brooklyn. 8-11. Free.
Also Saturday February 16: This isn't exactly something you can leave your apartment for, but worth mentioning anyway... The online shop for Swedish store Ashtray launches today. They sell books and clothes and cool stuff. I'm looking forward to having a browse.
I'm just going to admit it, one of the reasons I'm telling you about this show is because I have a photo in it. BUT, all that aside, Famous Magazine is having a weekend full of fun events at Outrageous Look Gallery in Williamsburg. They are celebrating their New York issue: Nobody is Famous in New York. There're so many great people in this issue and most, if not all, of them have work in the group show. On the flyer, pictured here, is a photograph by Hanna and Klara Liden.
Friday February 22: opening reception for the group show. 6pm. Free.
Saturday February 23: reading by DrunknSailors, a piratey selection of tough writers including our awesome friend Jess Arndt, Anna Dunn, Peter Greiner, Mary Dowd, and Mya Spalter. 7pm. Performance by Stay High and djs. 10pm.
Sunday February 24: performance by the Callers, a band from Providence, RI. 7pm.
Outrageous Look Gallery is at 103 Broadway at Berry in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY. See below for the full list of artists involved.
Continue Reading Get Out!: Famous Magazine
Friday February 29: Butt Magazine party in the West Village. Hosted by BUTT buddy Michael Bullock and new BUTT interviewee Paul Mpagi Sepuya. Meet new friends, pick up the new issue of BUTT for free. (They're bringing 50 issues so come early!) 9pm 'til late. Julius' 159 W 10th St. @ Waverly Place
Saturday March 1: Printed Matter is having a party for the publication of Farimani, a collection of works by artists, critical theorists, and musicians. Printed Matter. 195 Tenth Ave. 5-7pm. Free.
Through March 30: Writer, New Yorker photography critic, fellow magazine collector/nerd Vince Aletti is showing pieces from his collection at White Columns. The show is called "Male." Says the website: "Eschewing any hierarchical distinctions, and featuring more than 100 photographs, drawings, sculptures, and paintings, the exhibition juxtaposes works by celebrated figures with works by emerging artists, alongside anonymously authored images and flea market finds." White Columns is also publishing a collection of Aletti's '70s music column, Disco File. Omg I want it! More on this later. White Columns. 320 W 13th St. Enter on Horatio. Ongoing. Free.
Last week I went to a show of new Japanese painting at Secret Project Robot. My friends played music and I saw some good stuff.
I didn't know, until just now, that the show was part of a larger festival of emerging Japanese artists. Japanese comics and art books are on display at New York Kinokuniya Book Store, Printed Matter, Spoonbill & Sugartown, and St. Marks Books. Through Sunday March 30. (pictured is a piece by Ruriko Torii.)
Wednesday April 2nd: Dave Eggers, of McSweeneys and novels with long titles fame, has organized a show at Apex Art which opens today. Says Eggers in the press release: "This show will explore a very small and specific type of artmaking exemplified by contemporary people like David Shrigley, Raymond Pettibon, Nedko Solakov, and Tucker Nichols. This kind of art, which we refuse to name, is somewhat crude, usually irreverent, and always funny. It exists somewhere between one-panel cartoons and text-based art." Apex Art. 291 Church St. 6-8pm. Free.
Thursday April 3rd: Ryan Mcginley's show I Know Where the Summer Goes opens at Team. 83 Grand St. 6-8pm. Free.
Ari Marcopolis is signing copies of his new book The Chance is Higher at Dashwood Books. This hardcover book is 72 pages of gorgeous photocopies and numbered in an edition of 50. Get over there and grab one right away. Dashwood Books. 33 Bond St. 6-9pm. Free.
(page from The Chance is Higher)
Our friend Julian Myers is presenting two events at Artists Space this week. Thursday's event is called Riot Show and is a structured presentation of archival recordings of crowd violence at rock shows. And on Saturday, Mirror-Travel in the Motor City: "an experimental and collaborative lecture with Edgar Arceneaux on the subject of Michael Heizer's earthwork Dragged Mass, urban resistance, buried sites, basement parties, and afro-futurism." More info here. Artists Space. 38 Greene St. Each event $5.
Friday April 4th: Gregory Crewdson opening at Luhring Augustine. Luhring Augustine. 531 W. 24th St. 6-8pm. Free.
Saturday April 5th: fierce pussy opening (ha I can't even type that without giggling) at Printed Matter. fierce pussy is a collective of lesbros/queer women committed to creating public art and performing direct action around issues of lesbian identity and visibility. They were active in New York from 1991-1995. Core member included Pam Brandt, Nancy Brooks Brody, Joy Episalla, Alison Froling, Zoe Leonard, Suzanne Wright, and Carrie Yamaoka. They used material available from their day jobs, old typewriters, stuff other people donated, archival and family materials of their own. This sounds cool. I'm going to go check it out. Printed Matter. 195 10th Ave. 5-7pm. Free.
Happy May day, everyone! -insert joke about a pole here- There is just so much to do. If I have a free moment this weekend, while trying to finish up graduating from college, I'll make sure to attend at least one of these events:
Thursday May 1: the journal is celebrating the launch of their Spring 2008 issue at Printed Matter tonight. Artists include Jonathan Meese and Terrence Koh and Jack Pierson will be on hand to sign copies of his 32 page supplement of drawings. Printed Matter. 195 10th Ave. 5-7pm. Free.
Friday May 2: "The Three Musketeers Reunited" - Umberto Eco, Mario Vargas Llosa and Salman Rushdie at the 92nd St. Y. Expensive, but intriguing. 1395 Lexington Ave @92nd. 7:30pm. $20.
Sunday May 4: The Columbia MFA Thesis Exhibition. I try to wander through this every year. Sometimes it's best when you BYOB. For every cool thing you see there's plenty of !??! and definitely lots of fashion to discuss as you walk among the crowds. Columbia University 2008 MFA Thesis Exhibition, curated by João Ribas, opens at the Fisher Landau Center for Art, 38-27 30th St at 39th Ave, LIC, 2-5pm. Free.
Holy shit, Batman, Saturday is FREE comic book day all over the WORLD (mostly Canada and the US, Euro suckas)! Free?! Go to your favorite local comic shop and snap something up, first come first serve. Most publishers print special issues with a variety of original (and reprinted) shorts from their various tittles, while some stores hand out gift bags of popular titles or surplus back issues. All you arty people... go on, TRY IT!
Saturday May 3: My pal Gabe Soria just moved back to New Orleans AND his brand new graphic novel Life Sucks, co-written by Jessica Abel and drawn by Warren Pleece, just came out. Tomorrow, 2PM at More Fun Comics in New Orleans, Gabe will be signing copies of Life Sucks. You know what's awesome about New Orleans: it's free comic book day will have beer and live music. Who else can say that?! More Fun Comics 8200 Oak St, New Orleans, 504.865.1800
Gabe is in New Orleans, and his story is about Vampires. But HELL NO, it aint nothing like Ann Rice
Rocketship comics in Brooklyn will have book signings from Matt Loux (11:00 to 1:30), artist/writer of Saltwater Taffy, and Fred Van Lente (1:30 to 4:00), writer of Iron Man and a zillion other silly superhero comics. Rocketship Comics 208 Smith Street, Brooklyn, New York,718.797.1348
Comic Book Jones in Staten Island will have signings from one of my favorites, Evan Dorkin of Milk and Cheese, Sarah Dyer of Action Girls and John Ruiz of The Wannabees. 2220 Forest Ave Staten Island, NY, 718.448.1234
Many other stores will have signings as well, so check the Free Comic Book Day Listings
The New York Photo Festival kicks off this evening with an opening of Various Photographs, a huge show curated by Tim Barber, and a party at the Powerhouse Arena. For most festival events, you need to buy tickets or have a pass but the Various Photographs opening is free and open to the public. And I have a photo in it. So come out! The show is from 7-10 at 70 Front St. in DUMBO, Brooklyn.

Thursday, September 25th: The Diner Journal is celebrating their fall issue and two years of food and print love this evening at McNally Jackson (née Robinson) Booksellers on Prince St. starting at 7pm. Readings will be paired accordingly with cheese and booze. McNally Jackson, 52 Prince St. @ Mulberry.
(photography by Amelia Bauer)
Friday, September 26th: Magazine-we-love Capricious is having an opening at their office/gallery for a show called ENVIRONS which is comprised of "quietly exquisite drawings, photos and sculpture by artist Amelia Bauer." I'm looking forward to this and whatever else they have coming up in their fall program. Capricious Space, 103 Broadway, 6-9pm.
Saturday, September 27th: WFMU presents Lights at the Issue Project Room and while this is a music show and not exactly Print Fetish material... I wanted to mention it anyway because I'll be helping out with the visuals by putting together a little slide show. We here at PF also have many issues and projects, so that helps too. Issue Project Room, 232 3rd Street, 3rd Floor, Brooklyn, 8pm.
Sunday, September 28th: Housing Works Bookstore is having their great 4th annual open air book sale. They'll take over Crosby St and sell us cheap books, records, dvds, etc and feed us and supply us with beers. Yay! Housing Works Books, 126 Crosby St @ Prince, All day. --OH! this just in... Housing Works Thrift will also be selling clothes in $20 all-you-can-stuff bags. Cool!

Thursday October 23: There are two art book fairs this weekend, Printed Matter's New York Art Book Fair and the Arlis/NY Contemporary Artists' Books Conference. Today, I'm heading up to MoMA for a talk at the latter. The talk is Multiple Ideas: Artists' Periodicals as Site for Collaboration and Distribution of Ideas and includes artist/North Drive Press creator Matt Keegan and Emily Roydson from LTTR. See their full schedule here. Both book fairs go all weekend so look at their sites and go to stuff. We'll be wandering around taking pictures and wanting to buy everything.
Also tonight is the NY Art Book Fair preview gala and their after party doubles as a Butt Magazine event at my old neighborhood bar, The Boiler Room. First 50 guests get the new Butt for free. Yay!
Saturday October 25: Release party for Habitus: A Diaspora Journal's New Orleans issue at Gowanus Studio Space. 119 8th Street, Brooklyn, 8pm-12am.
Sunday October 26: Magazine-we-love Girls Like Us is having a party for their new issue at Trophy Bar in Williamsburg. 351 Broadway. 5pm-10pm.
Mr. Mcginnis and I took a stroll through this year's NY Art Book Fair on Sunday (I just went back to read last year's coverage and noted that my first sentence here is the same as last year's. heh!) It was fun and overwhelming and a million degrees inside Philips de Pury, the auction house who hosted the event. I miss the big open space of last year's venue. Sadly, since we went on the last day of the fair, we missed seeing the whole queer zines exhibition. It'd been partially dismantled to make room for an auction. I'm looking forward to spending some time with their book so more on that later. Thank you everyone for talking to us and giving us such cool stuff! I took a few photos before experiencing camera issues...
Booklyn joined forces with Evil Twin and set up in this nice corner.
The RAM Publications table.
Jonathan Monk's The Reason Why I am Here is Why I am Here at the Presentation House Gallery table. You know I took this just because it features a Morrissey Record!
Continue Reading NY Art Book Fair
Thursday, November 6: Bruce of Los Angeles show at Wessel + O'Connor Fine Art in DUMBO. Amazing 1950s beefcake photography from a Nebraskan chemistry teacher turned pin up photographer. There is also a limited edition book and DVD which includes digitally restored versions of Bruce's rare films. November 6 - December 20 with opening party on Thurs. 111 Front St. Ste. 200. 6-8pm.
Our friend DrunknSailor has organized a reading at Capricious Space tonight called "The Way Out is the Way In." 103 Broadway in Brooklyn. 7:30pm.
Tiny Vices - TV Books exhibition and catalog viewing at the Hope Gallery in LA. Hosted by Tim Barber, RVCA and the Hope Gallery. 1547 Echo Park Ave., LA, 6-9pm.
Saturday, November 8: I wish I could be in SF for this show, so if you are, go to it for me. AUTOPORTRAIT: from the Reconsidered Archive of Michelle du Bois, a solo show by Zoe Crosher at Eleanor Harwood gallery. 1295 Alabama Street, SF. 7-10pm. and WORD presents the second installment of Vol. 1, a unique event that pairs live music with readings. The readers include Jesse Sposato, co-editor of Sadie Magazine and Zachary Lipez. At Bar Matchless, 557 Manhattan Ave, Brooklyn. 8pm-2am.

Hey, New Orleans is a city (despite Jim Jarmusch's scenes of OPP in the swamp) - people do stuff there besides drinking, practicing voodoo and being the subjects of more spooky songs than any other city in the world. This weekend is The 7th Annual New Orleans Bookfair, The New Orleans Fringe Festival AND North America's BIGGEST ever contemporary art biennial, Prospect 1 (although snooty New York and LA artists, names withheld, not only don't know about it, but question if I'm telling the truth - but still don't google it) is continuing through December.
The 7th Annual New Orleans Bookfair
Saturday, November 15th 2008
New Orleans. LA
500 & 600 Blocks on Frenchman Street
Continue Reading New Orleans: STILL alive and Printing

Thursday December 11: Pat Place--guitarist for the Bush Tetras and former member of the Contortions--has an opening Thursday at Jane Kim/Thrust Projects. The End, 1981 - Infinity presents a selection of photographs from an archive of over 1,000 prints of end titles from movies on television. Place shot the images directly from the TV screen during a collaboration with writer Linda Yablonsky that began in 1981. Thrust Projects, 114 Bowery #301. 6-8pm. (Above image from Place's invitation.)
Also Thursday: A reception for the very cool Journal of Popular Noise at Printed Matter. 195 10th Ave. 5-7pm.
Friday December 12: Marcel Dzama signs copies of his new book Even the Ghost of the Past at his solo show of same name at David Zwirner gallery. Spike Jonze, who interviewed Dzama in the book, will also be present. 525 W 19th St. 5-7pm.
Saturday December 13: Ryan McGinness will be signing advanced copies of his new book, No Sin/No Future, at Zakka in DUMBO. The book is a collection of snapshots, sketches and scans from the artist's studio archives. 155 Plymouth St. Brooklyn. 7pm.
Ms. Keough and I helped organize this party and book sale tonight at Melanie Flood Projects, a gallery space at Melanie's awesome Brooklyn Home. Creators will be there selling their limited edition artist books, zines and magazines - everything under $50. Of course you don't HAVE to buy something, you can browse and maybe meet us if you're lucky.
Last Wednesday Mr. Mcginnis and I sold some items and enjoyed the eggnog at Melanie Flood Projects' holiday party and zine sale. Melanie's home/gallery is so lovely and warm. We had a good time, sold a few things, met some nice people and made some trades. As you know, the latter means new reviews to come! We've been posting lightly this winter due to busy-ness and other projects but we'll be back like crazy in 2009. In the meantime, happy holidays!
Looking at our Mid Afternoon book
Breanne Trammel and Peter Segerstrom
Breanne Trammel's prints
The table of stuff
The artists at the show and their websites:
Amy Stein
Breanne Trammel
Esopus Magazine
David Horvitz
Geoffrey Ellis/SadKids
Hana Tanimura
Jason Fulford
Jason Polan
Luke Ramsey/Islands Fold
Mikael Kennedy
Peter Segerstrom
R&S Media
Ryan Foerster
Vincent Dermody
Whprwhil Records
Check them out, buy their work, and carry it around in a Print Fetish tote bag.

March 7-28: In Real Life is an exhibition at the Capricious Space where several online art spaces are invited to do 4 hour long residencies in the gallery. Says the website, they are "attempting to explore how the distribution, production, analysis, and consumption of culture are rapidly evolving in an online context." It kicks off March 7th at Noon. VVORK is the first website to take the space and they are bringing a male stripper to do a slow strip for 4 hours while surfing the internet.
Also involved: Art Fag City, ASDF, Club Internet, Ffffound, The Highlights, Humble Arts Foundation, I Heart Photograph, Loshadka, Netmares/Netdreams, Platform for Pedagogy, Private Circulation, UbuWeb, Why + Wherefore.
Consult the In Real Life site for a full schedule. Capricious Space, 103 Broadway, Brooklyn.
cover photo by Sarah Forbes Keough
Ms. Keough will have prints available tonight at this Melanie Flood one night show. If you RSVP soon, you just may make it in! Melanie's space is lovely and they'll be a lot of great work to see.
photo from Lay Flat
photo by Juliana Beasley
Limited Edition drawings, prints, magazines, photographs & more all priced at $100 or less.
Anna & Tess Knoebel
Breanne Trammell & Peter Segerstrom
Carey Kirkella
Clayton Cotterell
Elizabeth Fleming
Erin Jane Nelson
Gerald Edwards III
Grace Kim
Greg Wasserstrom
Humble Arts Foundation
Jane Gang
Jason Polan
Jimmy Limit
Juliana Beasley
Lay Flat
Noah Kalina/Kalina Magazine
Peter Riesett
Rachel Sussman
Stephen Wong/WONG WONG
Umelec Magazine
RSVP Required
Because Melanie Flood Projects is located in a private residence, the Guest List will be strictly enforced.
Melanie Flood Projects
186 Washington Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11205
Fabulous new poster, perhaps by Stefan Sagmeister, or a good copycat.
A movie I'm waiting for, by someone who I think will understand the themes as well as the visuals of the source material (unlike SOME people)...
Photographer Melanie Bonajo's show As Thrown Down From Heaven opens tomorrow night at P·P·O·. Live musical performances and crazy outfits.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Gallery P.P.O.W
511 West 25th Street, Room 301 (between 10th and 11th Avenues)
New York, NY
Tel 212-647-1044
PERFORMERS: Hanayo, janneke Raaphorst, Berglind Agustsdottir, Halla Thordasdottir, Vera Sölvadottir, Joseph Marzolla, Voin's ghost
COSTUMES : Malgorzata Nowak, Philippe Clause, Arielle De Pinto

Matt Idol, a.k.a. Matt Wobensmith, has opened a gallery/zine shop called Goteblüd in San Francisco's Mission District. The former Outpunk editor's first show, titled "Yes I am, but who am I really?," is a selection of queercore artifacts including: over 200 different zines, photos, flyers, posters, correspondence, clothing and skateboards of homopunk heroes. The show opens tomorrow, Saturday June 27th, from 6-8pm and will run through August. A full list of participating zines is here.
For more info, check the Goteblüd blog, the store's yelp entry, or drop by and visit them at 766 Valencia St., SF. Actually, if you drop by before we get a chance, email us and tell us what you think...
Above photo by P Paula P.
Tonight Colophon presents The Future of Print at The Art Directors Club in New York. Speakers include Sophie Mörner, founder and publisher, Capricious; Emily Gordon, editor-in-chief, Print, and Jason Crombie, editor and founder, Woooooo!. The panel led by Andrew Losowsky, Co-curator, Colophon and Editor, We Make Magazines, will discuss what makes magazines special, the secrets to publishing success, the importance of creative independence, whether you can make money from a passion project, and what's next for print.
ADC Members - Free
Non Members - $5 at the door
Wednesday July 8, 2009
@ ADC Gallery
106 West 29th Street, NYC

Go to Printed Matter for the launch party of Julie Schumacher and Rob Trostle's Brooklyn-based press Editions and its premier publication, The Best by artist Rachel Domm. 5-7PM on Thursday, July 23rd at Printed Matter, 195 Tenth Avenue in New York City.
If you are in Berlin, join The Pet Shop Bears and BUTT magazine tomorrow for another awesome BEER-B-Q! This time expect a special live PA from Erobique and his super-special guest, plus London's own Disco Bloodbath party crasher Dan Beaumont as well as your hosts, Justin Case and Open Mike. Out in the Biergarten, Rummelsnuff and Bernd Butz perform a extra-special Knopfaccordion set. Friday 24 July 2009 from 9-late at the Berghain Cuntine and Biergarten in Berlin.
Oooh! I almost missed this... The East Village Boys, as part of the Hot! Festival, present Bruce Benderson: a reading at 8:45pm at Dixon Place. Bruce Benderson is a writer and a PF favorite. Mr. Benderson's seventh book, The Romanian: Story of an Obsession, won France's prestigious literary award, the Prix de Flore. His new satirical novel, Pacific Agony, comes out with Semiotext(e)/MIT this fall. His most recent book is Sex and Isolation and contains his essays and articles from the last 10 years. Dixon Place, 161 Chrystie St., NY.
This Meet Your Printmaker exhibition at D.C.'s Washington Printmaker's Gallery closes this weekend. So if you are in the DC area, go to it and let us know how it was. For over a year Meet Your Printmaker has been compiling a directory of independent print/printmaking studios around the world through its blog. The work in this exhibition presents a selection of printed matter from 40 print/printmaking studios around the world. For more info and a list of participating studios, see above link. Washington Printmakers Gallery, 1732 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington DC.
Hey look, a new design for Print Fetish! Design by us, with implementation by our brilliant pal, Wayne Bremser. We decided to create a new look to inspire us to get back to our regular posting duties and make Print Fetish your number one destination for independent and artful print media news and reviews.
We're currently building our Print Fetish Resource Guide, a comprehensive listing of printing, publishing and distribution resources all over the world. So we're asking you, dear readers, to let us know about your favorite (smart, helpful, affordable) printers, classes, festivals and places to buy the coolest stuff. Let us know!

Vancouver non-profit art space and artist book publisher Artspeak opens Motto Storefront, a series of talks, workshops, and a zine library featuring the works of (PF favorite) Nieves. Motto Storefront starts this Saturday May 15th with a talk by photographer and Motto Distribution founder Alexis Zavialoff. The event runs through July 22nd. More info here.

The New York Photo Festival opened yesterday and runs through the weekend.
6pm tonight at The Mission Cultural Center in S.F, Hamburger Eyes opens "Casual Abyss," a photographic exhibition of modern artifacts that provide clues into the chasm hovering in another dimension beneath our own. This exhibition will attempt to explore the void and make sense of what lies in the hearts of men.
The Graphic Design Biennial Germany-China opens today in Offenbach, Germany.
Tomorrow night check out the Girls Like Us launch party for volume 2 issue 1 of the mag at Heathers Bar, 506 East 13 Street btwn Ave A & B, 7pm-10pm.

All weekend: Komiks.DK, the Copenhagen International Comics Festival. Watch the trailer!
Tonight: A book release party at Desert Island in Brooklyn for Art in Time by Dan Nadel, editor and art director of Picturebox. 7-9pm. There will be beer.
Saturday: A launch party for Avalanche, the complete reprint released by Primary Information. Liza Béar, one of the magazine's original founders, will be there. 5-7 PM.
Sunday: PS1's Greater New York show is opening Sunday from 12-6. You should go and dress cute. We'll see you there.

All Weekend: MondoHomo Dirty South: a festival of indie and DIY bands, DJs, drag and burlesque performance, craft and art shows, spoken word, dance parties, and community building that celebrates the Queer contribution to music, arts, culture, and justice. Various events all weekend, including an art show tonight. See website for details.
Tonight: Goodreads hosts a night of literature and barhopping. Start out at the Housing Works Bookstore where Colson Whitehead (Sag Harbor), Emily St. John Mandel (The Singer's Gun) and Amy King (I'm the Man Who Loves You) read their work. Then become part of a bookish mob as the group moves to Botanica bar, Tom and Jerry's, KGB and beyond. 7pm. Free.
Friday: kids of all ages, a celebration of children's books and the artists behind them, opens Friday with a reading of An Awesome Book by Dallas Clayton and a bunch of fun sounding activities like drawing on free pairs of kid-sized Vans shoes. At THIS Los Angeles. 7-10pm. Free.
Saturday: The London Zine Symposium 2010! A big space for kids into zines, comix, art and radical culture to come together and share stuff and ideas and things. At the Rag Factory. 12-6pm. Free.
(Above image of badges made for the London Zine Symposium by Mark Pawson.)

Friday: Rock Paper Show's New York release party. 7-8pm at The Strand, NYC. Geoff Peveto, curator of Rock Paper Show and president of the American Poster Institute will be there as will some of the artists from the book to chat and sign things.
Friday and Saturday: The Warehouse Sale at Paula Cooper gallery! An exclusive and limited-time offering of hundreds of titles from Printed Matter and 192 Books at deep discounts - up to 60% off! 521 West 21st St. Both days 10am-6pm.
All Weekend: Bushwick Open Studios. Visit studios, see art, talk to people, drink their beers. For a full list of participating buildings and events, see
Monday: John Waters in conversation with the New York Public Library's Paul Holdengraber. The legendary filmmaker and connoisseur of bad taste presents his new collection of personal essays, Role Models, in which he pays homage to the artists (and Baltimore bar owners) who have inspired him (think Denton Welch, Johnny Mathis and Cristina Stead). Bryant Park, 8pm. $25 seats and a limited selection of free seating will be available at 7pm.
Saturday: Gay Print / Queer Zines panel discussion. Tracing the history of queer publications, from underground "gay rags" to current contemporary independent and mainstream magazines, GAY PRINT / QUEER ZINES looks at how design and the editorial process has both been shaped by and help shape the attitudes and identity of the queer community. Panelists include dudes from Butt, K48 and OUT magazine. Museum of Arts + Design. 3pm. $7 General / $5 Students. Tickets available here.
Sunday: The Giant Lit Mag Fair at Housingworks Bookstore Cafe. With Canteen, Glimmer Train, Ecotone, Electric Literature, The Literary Review, The Oxford American, Make, Slice, Zeek and more. Noon - 5pm. Free.

Saturday: Book Launch: Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, chronotopes & dioramas. This companion volume to the exhibition at Dia at the Hispanic Society includes a photo "atlas" by Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster; new writing by Spanish novelist Enrique Vila-Matas; an essay by curator Lynne Cooke with parallel commentary by Gonzalez-Foerster; and a contribution by author and editor Bradford Morrow. 3pm. Free but RSVP. (images above are from her show.)
Pam Butler, The Good Girl Book Book Launch and Signing at Printed Matter. 5-7pm.
Monday: The 18th Annual Poets House Showcase. On display: all the poetry books published in the United States during the last year. From micro-press chapbooks to CDs to volumes from major commercial publishers, over 2,000 poetry titles are gathered together at Poets House. Opening reception 6-8pm. On view through July 31.
Ongoing: The Peregrinations & Pettifoggery of W.C. Fields at The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts' Vincent Astor Gallery. A collection of photographs, posters, letters and memorabilia from the Fields family is on view through August 21st and W.C. Fields' movies will be screening on Tuesdays. Fun! Full list of stuff here.

The Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Festival is a one-day festival of cartoon and graphic art featuring artists and publishers displaying and selling publications; lectures and conversations on comics; and associated exhibits and satellite events. The festival is organized by Desert Island (the best art comix store in NY) and Picture Box, one of our favorite publishers. The poster above was also createded by a Print Fetish favorite, Anders Nilsen.
December 4, 12- 9 pm
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church
275 North 8th Street
Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY

Friday: Super interesting Japanese performance artists Eiko and Koma will be at Barnes and Noble on 86th Street to talk about their new book Time Is Not Even, Space Is Not Empty, an illustrated catalogue of their dance works, with choreographer's notes and archival material. 7pm. Barnes and Noble, 150 E. 86th Street @ Lexington. (photo above from a performance of theirs at Lincoln Center.)
Saturday: Stay home and close the windows and make sure you have hurricane supplies, booze and movies. Good luck out there!
Sunday: Afro-Punk Festival at Commodore Barry Park, Flushing Ave, btw Navy St and N Elliott, Brooklyn, 1pm, Free
Ongoing: The BMW Guggenheim Lab is a kind of pop-up laboratory to explore ideas and issues around urban life. There are tons of events and talks and things to check out, go look at the calendar. I'm interested in the toxicity tours of neighborhoods as well as the urban design stuff, the movie screenings and the bicycle fixing. BMW Guggenheim Lab, Houston Street at 2nd Ave. Through 10/16.
Last Chance, ends Sunday!: Elliot Erwitt: Personal Best at ICP. See Erwitt's own selection of 100 images from his 6 decade long career, including the goofy moments, the iconic portraits and the civil rights coverage. International Center for Photography, 1133 6th Ave, NYC.

We're just launching a new project, The Little Magazine Coalition. Through gatherings, workshops and the fostering of business partnerships, The LMC strives to make small magazines more visible and professionally viable. Our first meeting is at our studio in Brooklyn, Friday June 8. This isn't a panel or presentation, but rather an informal gathering where magazine makers can directly discuss with each other how they get their mags out and into the hands of people who will love them.
Anyone who makes magazines, or wants get one started is welcome. Drinks (booze!) and snacks will be served.
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