FRIDAY: Photographer Mike Brodie who's book I recently reviewed has a show at SF's Needles + Pens. It opens tonight. If I were anywhere near SF I'd totally go. 6-9:30. Needles + Pens. 3253 16th Street. SF, CA.

SATURDAY: Printed Matter is finally open again after their annual inventory and I am psyched to go shopping there. This Saturday they're having a party and t-shirt sale. One Size Fits All: Artists’ T-Shirt Summer Spectacular kicks off at 4 and there'll be beers and djs and an ice cream truck and t-shirts hanging from the ceiling, the windows, and clotheslines all over the store. Here's the laundry list of artists involved: William Bahan, Douglas Groupp, Maya Hayuk, heartschallenger, Kayrock and Wolfy, Nelson Loskamp and Uzi, Noah Lyon, Maya Miller, j. morrison, Asher Penn, Jasper Sebastian Stürup, Eric Shaw, Adam Shecter, Elizabeth Sporleder. 4-7. Printed Matter. 195 Tenth Avenue. NYC.

SUNDAY: And Sunday? Well, hm. I want to go see Husbands at the Museum of the Moving Image in Queens. Perhaps I'll drop by P.S. 1 on my way and see the Linder show. Linder is the British artist who did the Buzzcocks' Orgasm Addict cover among other cool things.

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