About Print Fetish

Print Fetish is a weblog featuring news, information, reviews and history on the subjects of beautiful magazines, self-published 'zines, handmade books, small press, comix, art books and miscellaneous printed ephemera. The site features daily reviews of new titles, trends, updates on events and interviews with fascinating people in the field of print media.


We love the internet, but we don't think it means the death of print. However, we do hope it will lead to the end of ugly consumerist magazines and newspapers. We can read free junk and news 'til our hearts' content on the web. We feel there is only one reason to waste money and paper on a magazine--it has to be beautiful. And when we talk about beauty, we're not simply talking about what it it looks like, but its point of view and editorial whole. We hope we can spread the word on these beautiful objects, and get you to spend money on them, rather than the average condy nasty.

Tell us about cool stuff at tell@printfetish.com.


Sarah Keough, Editor

Ralph Mcginnis, Editor


Print Fetish
R&S Media
302 Bedford Ave., Box 418
Brooklyn, NY 11211


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