Monday November 12: Bob Christgau, writer, former Village Voice music editor, and all around awesome guy, presents a reading from Best Music Writing 2007 which he edited with Daphne Carr. Contributors include Sasha Frere-Jones, David Kastin and Elisabeth Vincentelli (who ponders the politics of the Eurovision Song Contest). I've always wanted to know more about the mystery that is Eurovision. And I'm a longtime fan of both Bob and Housing Works Bookstore. Housing Works Bookstore Café. 126 Crosby St. 7pm. Free.

Tuesday November 13:
An Evening with Grand Union at Anthology Film Archives. Ooooh! Grand Union was an improvisation group of downtown New York choreographers that originated at the Judson Church specifically out of Yvonne Rainer's Continuous Project-Altered Daily. Members of this amazing group will be reuniting at this event, including Rainer, David Gordon, and Douglas Dunn. This program is a part of Performa07, the performing arts biennial that's going on right now all over town. Anthology Film Archives. 32 2nd. Avenue. 7:30pm. Price unknown. I assume regular movie ticket price. Side note: Reinventing Dance in the 1960s is a good book to read about this period of dance and performance art history.

Also on Tuesday: Circus '68 at Home Sweet Home, 131 Chrystie between Delancey and Broome. Hosted by Flaunt Magazine. 10pm - Late. Free beer. See Flyer Below.

Wednesday November 14: A reading series at Happy Ending? I can't recall an evening spent there sober enough to pay attention to someone reading something... But I'd like to give it a shot, er I mean a try. This week's guests are short-story author Jonathan Baumbach (On the Way to My Father’s Funeral) and novelists Sam Michel (Big Dogs & Flyboys) and Irini Spanidou (Before). Happy Ending. 302 Broome St. 8pm. Free.

Thursday November 15: Bruce Benderson reads from his new book Sex and Isolation at NYU's Bobst Library. Bobst. 70 Washington Sq South. 6pm. Free.


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