
Paper Cuts, the NYT books blog, has a cool slide show of old book ads. Pictured here is Edna O'Brien looking awesome in an ad for her book August is a Wicked Month.

The Freakanomics people muse on what the world would be like without libraries. ack!

From Book Slut: Yet another article on indie publishers money problems but this time with some positive notes.

Not exactly a book event but too good not to mention... go see the hilarious genius that is Dynasty Handbag tonight at the Dixon Place Hot! Festival. They are also screening The Quiet Storm, a short film about Ms. Handbag by Hedia Maron. 258 Bowery. 8pm. $12-15.

Sunday night Jerry Stahl is reading from Love Without, his new book of stories, at the Open City Series at KGB Bar. 85 East 4th @ 2nd Ave. 7pm. Free.

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