nelson.jpgTuesday October 23rd: Ed Hamilton, writer and Chelsea Hotel blogger, is reading from his new book Legends of the Chelsea Hotel at the 6th Ave Barnes and Noble. 675 Sixth Ave @ 22nd St. 7pm. Free.

Also tonight at 7pm, you can truck up to the Guggenheim for a panel discussion entitled The Worst of Warhol. I'd like to go to this. From the email about it: "Focusing on Warhol as publisher, collector, chronicler, publicist, and progenitor of a larger-than-life public persona, discussants entertain the provocation: Is the worst of Warhol really the best of Warhol?" Panelists include Richard Prince and Robert Nickas. Guggenheim Museum. 1071 5th Avenue @ 89th St. 7pm. $10.

Wednesday October 24th: Luc Sante and Tim McLoughlin are reading from New York Calling: From Blackout to Bloomberg at Spoonbill and Sugartown in Williamsburg. New York Calling was put together by blogger/New York historian Brian Berger of Who Walk in Brooklyn. Berger will also be at the reading to talk about stuff, things, and his book. 218 Bedford Avenue. 7pm. Free.

Saturday October 27: The School of Visual Arts is having an open house for its new MFA program in design criticism. The program's Chair, Alice Twemlow, will be presenting an overview of the curriculum, while faculty members Philip Nobel, Alexandra Lange, Emily Gordon and Steven Heller (also the program's co-founder) will be there to answer questions. 133 West 21st street, 1st floor. 2-4pm. Free. (via Core 77)

Through Sunday October 28th: This week is your last chance to see Mike Nelson's mind-blowing installation, "A Psychic Vacuum," at the old Essex Market building on Delancey and Essex. Brought to us by Creative Time, this dizzying maze of rooms, items and smells reminds us that great things still happen in New York. Go, get lost, be amazed. 117 Delancey @ Essex. Friday through Sunday. 12-6pm. Free.

Photo from A Psychic Vacuum by f. trainer.

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