cover photo by Sarah Forbes Keough

Ms. Keough will have prints available tonight at this Melanie Flood one night show. If you RSVP soon, you just may make it in! Melanie's space is lovely and they'll be a lot of great work to see.

photo from Lay Flat

photo by Juliana Beasley

Limited Edition drawings, prints, magazines, photographs & more all priced at $100 or less.

Anna & Tess Knoebel
Breanne Trammell & Peter Segerstrom
Carey Kirkella
Clayton Cotterell
Elizabeth Fleming
Erin Jane Nelson
Gerald Edwards III
Grace Kim
Greg Wasserstrom
Humble Arts Foundation
Jane Gang
Jason Polan
Jimmy Limit
Juliana Beasley
Lay Flat
Noah Kalina/Kalina Magazine
Peter Riesett
Rachel Sussman
Stephen Wong/WONG WONG
Umelec Magazine


RSVP Required

Because Melanie Flood Projects is located in a private residence, the Guest List will be strictly enforced.

Melanie Flood Projects

186 Washington Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11205

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