Thursday, September 25th: The Diner Journal is celebrating their fall issue and two years of food and print love this evening at McNally Jackson (née Robinson) Booksellers on Prince St. starting at 7pm. Readings will be paired accordingly with cheese and booze. McNally Jackson, 52 Prince St. @ Mulberry.
(photography by Amelia Bauer)
Friday, September 26th: Magazine-we-love Capricious is having an opening at their office/gallery for a show called ENVIRONS which is comprised of "quietly exquisite drawings, photos and sculpture by artist Amelia Bauer." I'm looking forward to this and whatever else they have coming up in their fall program. Capricious Space, 103 Broadway, 6-9pm.
Saturday, September 27th: WFMU presents Lights at the Issue Project Room and while this is a music show and not exactly Print Fetish material... I wanted to mention it anyway because I'll be helping out with the visuals by putting together a little slide show. We here at PF also have many issues and projects, so that helps too. Issue Project Room, 232 3rd Street, 3rd Floor, Brooklyn, 8pm.
Sunday, September 28th: Housing Works Bookstore is having their great 4th annual open air book sale. They'll take over Crosby St and sell us cheap books, records, dvds, etc and feed us and supply us with beers. Yay! Housing Works Books, 126 Crosby St @ Prince, All day. --OH! this just in... Housing Works Thrift will also be selling clothes in $20 all-you-can-stuff bags. Cool!
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