2001_logo_lg.pngThe 7th annual Portland Zine Symposium starts tomorrow and I wish I was there for it. I'm not a big conference attender or group activity participator but I am pro traveling around and meeting new people. And I seriously love Portland. And that rare occasion where you attend one of these events and unearth some fantastic little zine/record/person makes it worth showing up. Over the next two days, they'll be tons of workshops that cover everything from tips for Gocco printing to queer zines to how to make a zine for free as well as a big room of tables selling zines and other lil stuff. I believe there are also some parties with bands. See the site for more info and a schedule. If you're in the neighborhood, go to the Zine Symposium and come back and tell us about it. And make sure to take advantage of the many other things Portland has to offer, including but certainly not limited to beer, sitting on porches, Powell's Books (the largest independent bookstore in the world!), thrift shopping, cheap food, nice pals, cute boys, and late night wanderings. Pictured above is the poster from the 2001 zine symposium. This years' dates are August 11-12.

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