Magazines We Love Roundup Archives
We crush on a lot of magazines, but we can't afford to buy all of them all the time. The magazines we love in our side-links are the magazines we try to get as often as possible. All this week we'll be focusing on them (like the bit on Capricious below), and around the first of the month we'll give you a heads up on what's going on with their current issues.
Acne Paper focuses on the relationship between mentor and protégé, in which renowned British photographer Snowdon portrays the people of Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design - $7.99
ANP Quarterly has beautiful 80's skater kid photos and profiles graphic designer and illustrator Geoff McFetridge - free
Arthur Magazine is starting to improve with its best designed issue yet; profile on Joanna Newsom; comic book genius and mage Alan Moore muses on pornography - free
The Believer's Jan/Feb is the The 2006 Visual Issue, with essays on Ralph Eugene Meatyard, an interview with Matthew Barney and a conversation with Steven Heller - $10
Butt has a new book out as well as a new issue; interviews with John Cameron Mitchell, porn director and cheek sucker Michael Lucas and the biennial Casey Spooner Interview; hot and hilarious photos of furry chested country boy Jason Whipple by Miguel Villalobos
Fantastic Man, though beautiful, troubles us with the inclusion of a Bruce Webber (shudder) photo spread and story on Helmut Lang (that part doesn't trouble us), but we forgive them because of a rare interview with elusive The Fall front-man, Mark E. Smith. There are also very gay (in a good way) mustache and man-bag photo spreads. $19.99 (very worth it)
Doing Bird is an art/fashion/music magazine. A wicked overdone combo that usually makes me yawn endlessly is covered very well here by smart Australians. Issue #11 is out now and has Cate Blanchett photographed by Terry Richardson on the cover. A Terry Richardson cover shot of an actor—how original and smart, you quip! But wait, JD Samson, Bat For Lashes, Jana Hunter, TK Webb, and Isa Genzken are also in there. Their site is under construction, so go look at their myspace.
Found Magazine is riveting. They print regular Found and Dirty Found each once a year and have also published a few books. When I get one, I can't put it down. Something about looking through other peoples' images, notes, letters, drawings, I can't get enough. A new issue hasn't come out in a while but check their website for news, touring information (they travel around and do presentations/shows), and the find of the day. $5 +S/H
Hamburger Eyes is a black and white photography magazine from San Francisco. All kinds of people from all over the place have photos in there. From cool kids like Tim Barber and Ed Templeton to various randoms and it's all mashed up together in full page borderless bleeding glory. $5
Yawn. Stretch. Good Morning, everyone! The sun is out and March is just about over. It's time to look at some new issues of the magazines we love. I'm going to put the coffee on and get to it.
Found Magazine has a new hardcover book out of found polaroids. I haven't bought it yet but I am looking forward to a lazy afternoon of looking through other peoples' stuff. They also have some dates coming up on their current Found and Dirty Found tours. I haven't been to one of their events. Have you? What're they like?
Me Magazine's new issue is out and the subject is fashion designer Thakoon. It looks pretty, and has some nice photos of Thakoon's stuff.
The current issue of i-D is the Tissue Issue. Siick! This is what they have to say about it: "Sex is red hot and sexy right now – it’s XXX, it’s romance, it’s a beautiful thing. Get down and dirty with i-D this month, go inside our love and make love, not war. Mwaaaah!" I like when people spell out things like a kiss noise. Clemence Poesy is the cover star and she's adorable but I must confess I had no idea who she was until a google search informed me she is French and was in Harry Potter.
The April issue of The Believer features an interview with cartoonist and comics educator Scott McCloud by my pal and onetime editor and nemesis, Hillary Chute (a cute girl who is obsessed with comics - a rare creature). Also an interview with filmmaker Mira Nair and writings from Scott Browning and Janeane Garofalo of all people. Covers by Charles Burns as always.
Another sumptuous issue of Fantastic Man is out this month, featuring cover man and hotelier André Balazs. He's rich and can afford a fantastic suit - don't you wish your poor, sloppy ass could? Well, perhaps you can just buy the magazine instead and dream. The issue also features British photographer David Bailey and fashion designer Claude Montana. Flawless typography and sexy paper as always.
Girls Like Us, the ACTUALLY cool lesbian magazine features an interview with the only great singer in American indie-rock - The Gossip front lady Beth Ditto. As always the magazine interviews the most fascinating ladies of dykdom - and sexy lesbro photography that isn't gross. Well, I like looking.
The Spring issue of the lovely Acne Paper is out and the theme is playfulness. Just look at the jaunty angles of those hats! Contributors include Ali Mahdavi, Roger Deckker, Benjamin Alexander Huseby, Vanity Fair's Christopher Mason. The fabulous Iris Apfel is in there as well as the AD of all of Pedro Almodovar's films. Great issue.
This month's Dazed and Confused has Kate Moss on the cover in clothes from her Top Shop line. I like the cover. I'm a sucker for a gatefold and the shot is all relaxed and nice. What else... a tribute to Derek Jarman from the likes of Tilda Swinton, Seamus McGarvey, and Neil Tennant, a piece on 19th century gangs, and 1920s fashion designer Elsa Schiaparelli.
Hm, I haven't looked at Adbusters in a while... The theme of this issue is "The Beginning of Sorrow." It has a scary article on the rise of the internet police state, an interview with French political activists The Dismantlers, and an article about how fucked Britain's youth are.
The current issue of Another Man has a gorgeous cover - Nick Knight's photo of the luscious Ben Wishaw - soon to be seen in Todd Haynes's much anticipated Bob Dylan film, I'm Not There. Inside there are more photos of the sinewy young actor and a discussion between him and Sir Ian Mckellen. Art critic John Richardson writes about hanging out with Peggy Guggenheim in Venice (apparently the art world also has a casting couch), Jon Savage meditates on Sinatra and the creation of the teenager and David Dalton muses on the women men worship. Another Man is one of the few desirable Men's Fashion magazines. Outstanding photography and brilliant, inventive styling. Norbert Schoerner's and stylist Nicola Formichetti's spring fashion editorial of colorful, techno urban explorers is a standout.
Butt #19 is out. Interviews with non boring homosexuals like porn legend Joe Cage (director of such haaaaaaaht classics as LA Tool and Die), an incredibly disgusting guy from Amsterdam with a fetish for filth (I gagged, but was fascinated) and Francessco Vezzoli - artist and director of the Caligula trailer. Also premiering this issue is an autobiography feature. As always, hot guys and pink paper in the palm of your hand.
Cabinet is a superbly edited magazine, featuring truly great writing. It's sort of an art magazine - I'll be writing a general review eventually. The current issue is titled Insects, featuring essays on the title subject, an interview with entomologist and nature writer Jeffrey Lockwood and regular features like my favorite, the colors essay - this issue Alan Gilbert deals with brown.
Oh my pervy stars! There's a new issue of Dirty Found out. More disturbing polaroids, creepy notes, cute love letters, sexy lists, boobs, ass, cock, and etc than you can shake a, um, stick at. As usual, John Waters says it perfectly: "Dirty Found is art-filth folk art that proves everybody's sex life is secretly touching."
This month's i-D is the ice cream issue and its full of ice cream, ice and cream and all the different things those words can mean. Also, there sure is a lot of Jeremy Scott going on here. Peaches and Devon Aoki and Marilyn Manson are in here. Also there's an interview with Lesley Arfin, the one who writes that great Dear Diary column in Vice. She has a Dear Diary book coming out this month.
Kasino A4's new double issue is looking at luxury. In two separate books, we see the bizarreness, the hollowness, the fun, the sex appeal, the boredom, and the fabulousness of luxury. Part 1 is called Rough Diamonds and is printed in black and white and a sumptuous metallic gold. Inside we have people playing dress up, renting fancy cars, getting weird spa treatments, the slogans of luxury goods hand written in the aforementioned sexy gold. Part 2 is titled Wasteland and is printed in black and white and light blue with a cold silver cover. This half focuses on the darker side of luxury: emptiness, death, poverty, injury, misery. What a great issue. And I'm pleased that it still smells the same.
ANP Quarterly's new issue has Phyllis Diller on the cover! Photographer Lisa Eisner shot Ms. Diller and her paintings. I imagine that's all I really need to say to get you to run out and find it. Just in case it's not... Also in the issue is pictures by amazing Japanese photographer Daido Moriyama, with interview by Ed Templeton, nice big pictures of the choppy, weird work of Swedish artist Jockum Nordström, and cool math-y genius/artist Xylor Jane.
Me Magazine is always going around changing their whole design, even logo, based on the subject/guest editor of each issue. While I j'adore that about them, my personal tastes go for certain issues over others. This new brightly colored jam featuring rapper, performance artist, general hot freak extraordinaire Tara De Long is particularly pleasing to me. Jack Pierson took the photos featuring Tara and her team of geniuses, back-up dancers, pr sluts, and fashion collaborators and it looks like the shoot was fun. The party was also fun though I wish I'd gotten there in time for the whole show...
The Summer 2007 issue of Hamburger Eyes is a special music issue. I'll admit it, I'm a sucker for music photography though I'm not really sure why because most of it is a serious bore. In usual Hamburgular fashion, this issue is far from boring. It's packed with fabulous images from new names as well as the names you'd expect to see: Boogie, Ricky Powell, Alissa Anderson, Jim Jocoy, Ed Templeton, and many others.
August is almost over and our end of summer vacay is winding to a close. Soon we, in our somewhat business-y attire, will get back to work. In the meantime, here are three good August issues.
Intersection, Dazed Media's sexy car mag, has expanded into the air and water. In this issue they drop an Audi TT into a pool, spend a lot of time lazing around on boats showing off some hot deck shoes while discussing the future of boat design, and interview Adrian Van Hooydonk the new head of car design for BMW (I'm personally not sure how I feel about this dude). The magazine, as usual, looks great and fills me with a gearhead's joy. --Wait, I have a side note question: Does Dazed Media still own Intersection or is it on its own? It seems like they are and are now based in NY...
The August issue of French Vogue has Cindy Sherman dressing herself up crazily in Balenciaga and layers of foundation, a tastefully mostly naked Claudia Schiffer talking about her return to work with Karl Lagerfeld, etc., Hedi Slimane shooting some girls, and a weird Mario Testino-shot tribute to Anna Wintour.
This issue of The Believer has Nick Hornby interviewing David Simon writer/creator of the best show ever on TV The Wire. Since I am a person without cable, it took me a while to get Season 4 and now I'm in the midst of ignoring everyone I know in favor of obsessing over/watching it. Also inside is an interview with the awesome Nancy Wilson of the awesome band Heart, stories on cartoonist Fletcher Hanks and writer/jazz musician Boris Vian, and an essay entitled The Official Guide to Official Handbooks which talks about class, status, exclusivity, preppies, boarding school, hipsters, our obsessions with insiders and outsiders, etc.
ANP has no cover type at all, often sitting in a nice, neat stack awaiting discerning readers who aren't afraid to grab it without asking how much it costs. It's free, and the stack is sitting for less and less time as more people discover it. ANP treads into the art world, yet is still playful. It's perhaps Index's most likely successor. The new issue features interviews with our lesbro Sophie Morner (editor of Capricious), Make-Up freakazoid Ian Svenonius and artists Chris Burden and Rita Ackermann. I especially love the profile and cover images of the early 80's LA punk 'zine, NO Mag.
Arthur, the free and fiercely independent music and arts magazine out of Los Angeles, disappeared earlier this year due to an editor/publisher power play–but fear not, the rag with the nerdy/hippie/anarchist bent is back! Yes, it came out mid-September, but it's still out there and waiting for you to grab. Issue 26 features Thurston Moore and Byron Coley interviewing Yoko Ono, Douglas Rushkoff's take on 9/11 conspiracy theorists and profiles of Becky Stark and the Sun City Girls. The re-launch issue has more color and a fashion spread (they need to work on this if serious, sorry guys). OH, and it's also available FREE as a PDF download.
Fantastic Man has gold foil on it's cover this month, perhaps balancing on the precipice of looking like a high school yearbook–yet it succeeds beautifully. This is why I love Jop and Gert, everything they do is so well considered and refined, all else seems coarse and crass by comparison. Of note is the first woman on the cover, although she is hidden behind her partner. Fascinating. I had an art directed evening the other night: red wine on the sofa under the yellow glow of a paper lantern, leaning against an oversized goose down pillow listening to Jimmy Scott. I perused Issue No. 6 of Fantastic Man, the perfect weight and texture. I read interviews with Rem Koolhaas, one of my high school crushes Peter Murphy, the Brilliant artist Steve McQueen and cover man Vinoodh Matadin. I finished the evening with a viewing of Wong Kar Wai's As Tears Go By, and for awhile at least, was consumed by the possibility of beauty.
I love reading i-D. I learn something new every time. My favorite thing to do is lounge on my couch with a big cold lemon-lime seltzer and the new i-D and read that thing cover to cover. Their enthusiasm is contagious. I'm in school right now and have just come from taking a test so my mind is totally in note-taking mode. Here is a list of things I have learned from the World Wide Web issue of i-D: John Waters describes his style as "disaster at the dry cleaners," Designer Siv Støldal's raincoats can be turned into tents—the more coats you have, the bigger your tent, Naomi Campbell is... whoa, Sonia Rykel is rad, the 60th anniversary of Dior at Versailles looks like it was insane in its fabulosity, I could go on... Also in there is Pharrell Williams, new fashion from Antwerp, London, and the ITS competition in Trieste, shoots inspired by www stuff like facebook, google, modems, computers crashing, downloads, etc.
On a more sober note, I also just bought the new Adbusters. It begins with an excerpt about our disturbing fascination with the cult of celebrity from Al Gore's book The Assault on Reason. There are a couple articles about America's financial disasters: one on the national debt and the other on the cultural and environmental costs of constantly living and shopping above our means. More on rethinking our alliance with Israel, marketing guru Bob Garfield, and thoughts on Maxim's Sexy Israeli Soldiers story.
Doingbird issue #12 is finally out. Yay! Model Natasha Poly is on the cover, shot by Alasdair McLellan. Inside are contributions from some PF favorites: Ann Demeulemeester, Collier Schorr, Helmut Lang, Kim Jones, Taryn Simon, and Vashti Bunyan. Find this beautiful Australian magazine online here or at your cooler newsstands.
Girls Like Us #6 has the amazing Edwige on the cover. Edwige the French punk, the friend of Warhol, the often photographed, the model, the icon, the lovely, the fabulous. Inside is an interview with her and a gallery of photographs of her life. Also inside is an interview with Electrolane's cute drummer Emma Gaze, photographs of people under the covers and behind pillows by German photographer Birgit Wudtke, an interview with Parisian DJ/Producer Fany Corral of Kill the DJ, and more. Every issue of this magazine is a great balance of people I know/have heard of and people I know nothing about but am psyched to discover. Plus, they have an archive in the back of pages from older dyke-y books and magazines. It's good to stay abreast (ha, sorry) of these things.
Found #5 is the CRIME issue. As a nerd for crime novels and cop shows, I am pleased by this. Inside, as usual, is packed with stuff. In this issue, find a former FBI agent's life story, prison guard poetry, found notes about arson, pot, and self-amputation, academic crime, crimes of the heart, found eyeballs, found crack, and the story of a guy who found a million dollars in the road.
The November issue of i-D, like many before it, has Kate Moss on the cover. Kate Moss and i-D are such a natural pair. According to Wagazi blog, the appearance of a blond Kate Moss on the cover of this month's i-D increased sales at Borders Books in the UK by 56%. This is the !*#? issue, a youthful punk rock fuck off kind of issue. Among the fun/chaos inside is good old Malcolm McClaren going on about the old days, LA Punks and their super fun all ages club The Smell (Mr. Mcginnis and I used to go there when we lived nearby), some pretty photos of boys in black by Alasdair Mclellan, and a look at Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Terrence Koh, and Banks Violette as new icons of darkness. Interesting.
Lula, girl magazine of my dreams, has a new issue out with Kirsten Dunst as cover star and guest editor. I feel generally whatever about Ms. Dunst but this issue is really good. Her cat is adorable. As I said before, I like the kind of comprehensive coverage Lula has. They do really well packaging stories and exploring themes. There are also these gorgeous photos from Rinko Kawachi. I'm totally in love. Other highlights include: an accessories story starring cats, Corinne Day's dreamy photographs, the model's awesome eyebrows in "Love Letter," an interview with Brooklyn band Au Revoir Simone, many many princess dresses, and the lovely vision of Mia Farrow, an inspiration for Lula girls everywhere.
Arthur Magazine is our favorite free music and arts magazine and their second issue back is strong and full of good stuff. It's too cold outside for me to venture to the coffee shop, so I took advantage of their free PDF download and am reading the magazine in my living room. Issue 27 gives us a very helpful article on how to keep the house clean without chemicals; political action, marketing strategies and magical thinking in The Center for Tactical Magic's monthly column; Ian Svenonius on Baltimore rock band Celebration (also ex-members of Love Life, I like these guys, go listen); an excerpt from Abby Banks' book Punk Houses (I actually want this book for Christmas, so make a note); and a conversation between Six Organs of Admittance's Ben Chasny and Om's Al Cisneros; and also a bunch of other stuff.
Me Magazine #13 sure has a hot cover. I'm feeling black and white lately. This issue of Me stars the adorable Ryan Donowho, indie actor, Brooklyn resident and musician-y type. Now, normally, that combination would make me barf, fall asleep and/or put the magazine down. My general love of Me Magazine prevents me from doing so. Mr. Donowho's friends talk about him, he talks about himself, the usual format. His friends include rapper Scavone, tap dancer and musician James Sutherland of the Sub/Hitters, musician Christian Zucconi of the band Aloke, and painter James Gillispie. I feel medium about this issue but overall am totally into the concept of Me Magazine.
Butt took too long to put a black person on the cover and it's quite bizarre that they've never included an interview with Vaginal Davis before–but finally with issue 21 they've done both. Vaginal is an L.A icon, so for me it's kind of strange to discover she's moved to Berlin. Being in Europe, however, has not stilted the full-on 24 hour hollywood performance art of her conversation. Also: real life photos of 1976 Christopher street by Sunil Gupta; pretty East-London lads by Andreas Larsson; interviews with DJ Daniel Wang, portrait artist Don Bachardy and a sexy French, horticulturist escort named Xavier.
The November/December issue of The Believer has a lot of art related stuff such as an interview with the only art critic I care for, Dave Hickey. Do I agree with everything he says? No. But he has the rare quality of thinking for himself, he's a curmudgeon and it's always fun to hear what he has to say. Smart magazines realize that Lagniappe (a l'il something extra; an unexpected gift) is something print has over the interwebs and in that spirit The Believer comes with 18 temporary tattoos by some of the coolest illustrators on the planet, including Raymond Pettibon, Believer stalwart Charles Burns and Print Fetish reviewed Ron Regé Jr.
I-D's December/January cover star is the diva actress of our time, Cate Blanchett. She's not just beautiful, in fact she's entirely imperfect and completely captivating. Models should be more like her, a mouth watering subject for any photographer, and the photos by Matthias Vriens do not disappoint. I-D headmaster Terry Jones Interviews artist Francesco Vezzoli who discusses his upcoming work at the Guggenheim starring Blanchett, his current muse. Terry also interviews Karl Lagerfeld, with a nice black and white spread of the man preparing for the Chanel Cruise Collection 2007 in L.A. My favorite thing in this issue is the photo spread of hot, weathered surfers wearing fashion in Hawaii at the 11th Annual Quicksilver Edition Paddleboard Race by Laetitia Neg.
With this issue The Believer has made it to #50. Yay! For this momentous occasion, longtime Believer cover drawer and great comic book artist Charles Burns has drawn his own self portrait on the cover. He's also interviewed inside. The Believer never disappoints—this is a good issue, you guys. Look inside for: Print Fetish favorite Martha Plimpton as the guest advice columnist, German art historian/insane person Aby Warburg, a very long lament for a lost notebook by Eileen Myles, Marilyn Monroe's walk, Niagara Falls, Lydia Davis talking about Samuel Beckett among other things, folk singer Linda Thompson, baffling ancient mathematics and The Archimedes Palimpsest, and more.
Kick-ass Finnish magazine Kasino A4's Autumn/Winter 2007-8 issue tackles the complex theme of Human Nature. Kasino is getting thicker and adding colors. I like it. It's still looking good. There's a lot going on in this issue. Greenpeace missions, the former editor of Russian Playboy, compulsive lying, climate changes, fake nature, Kim Jones, vomit stories, interpretations of a landscape photograph, photographs of the neighbors' trash, snapshots of emerging artists, and fantastic letter illustrations by Japanese/American art team Overture.
Adbusters kicks off 2008 with a look at this year's big issues: journalism's shift from watchdog to lapdog of power, big business getting on board with the environmental movement, Canada's move from world peacekeeper to partner in the war on terrorism, Wall Street and the mortgage disaster, and more. Get this issue and start your 2008 well informed.
I am turning more and more into an S.P.P. (secret pretty princess) and I blame Lula Magazine. This issue is full of rainbows, references to Strawberry Shortcake, glamour, psychedelica, flowy stuff, flowers, hot eye makeup, girls in bands, girls who paint, TWO Ellen Von Unwerth shoots—one super sharp and sexy and bright and the other (of adorable French actress Clémence Poésy) super cool cyan-y and actually kind of crazy looking, artist Susan Cianciolo, hair dye, tie dye, playtime, dreamers, dreamyness, and my one true love Martha Plimpton. Whew! I am inspired to wear the tie-dye shirt LV just gave me, put a flower in my hair, and soak up some California sun.
Uma Thurman looks gorgeous on the current issue of Another Magazine. I cannot however say the same for their new logo. Anyway, logo issues aside, the magazine is still good. Spring/summer collections, an article about the amazing Japanese designer Kansai Yamamoto, Richard Burbridge's diamonds and pearls shoot is wicked hot, Paris street fashion, exploration of the boundaries of hair and fashion resulting in some insanely enormous hair sculpture situations and yet more hot eye makeup, Angelica Houston is and looks awesome. One thing I love about Another Magazine is that they always make people look fantastic. Like when they had Pam Anderson on the cover...I've never seen her look better. Also, can we discuss for a moment how nuts the advertising in this issue is? Insane gatefolds like crazy, different paper stocks, a totally weird poster of Kate Hudson posing in Stella McCartney underwear, etc.
Dazed and Confused's March issue is the Around the World issue. They follow fun electro pop sensation CSS home to Brazil and tell us about cluster bombs and other horrors leftover in Loas from the Vietnam war. Paul Thomas Anderson interviews Paul Dano about their movie There Will Be Blood which I keep forgetting to see. Disco makes a comeback. They talk to producer Nile Rodgers, Michael Pitt and Brady Corbett, writer Helen Walsh, and art zine The Quiet Life celebrates its 10 year anniversary.
ANP Quarterly #10 has Sarah from Colette on the cover. When I went to Paris, Colette was on my short list of things I must see as soon as possible. In Brendan Fowler's introduction to his interview with Sarah, he explains Colette as "a museum of moments—all moments, past present and future—and a superb celebration and instigation of the NOW." It's illuminating to read a behind the scenes account of how Colette is curated and how some of their collaborations came about. This new solid issue of ANP continues with Black Panther Minister of Culture Emory Douglas' amazing posters, photographer Jim Goldberg, the great and muscley world of Tom of Finland, a profile on magazine we love Hamburger Eyes, and more.
This month i-D gives us something they haven't done before: an entire issue dedicated to one person. I for one am so glad it's not an actor—bo-ring! It's model Agyness Deyn billed as the new face of Britain. Full disclosure time, I worked on Billy Sullivan's cover shoot and spent a couple days hanging out with Agyness and Josh and Billy and company. She was warm, energetic, hilarious and a dream to photograph. Our cover shot is pictured to the left here though it's only available in Japan (sorry mom!). The other 6 covers were shot by Terry Richardson, Matt Jones, Nick Knight, and Alasdair McLellan. The issue is bright and fun and includes an interview with her mum. The best of the non-Agy bits is an exclusive look at Harmony Korine's movie Mister Lonely with photographs by Ari Marcopoulis.
Girls Like Us has a new issue out with a fierce jock on the cover. The photography in this issue is particularly good, I must say. The mag is also thicker this time and stapled. They're starting a Fresh Faces series and this issue features New Yorkers photographed by Sophie Mörner. Plenty of PF favorites are included but we're still waiting for our close-up (hint hint). Also in this issue are trans-dudes, cabbie and writer Melissa Plaut, sports, hair, filmmakers Maria Beatty and Pauline Boudry, and more.
The much coveted music issue of the Believer is out featuring a well constructed mix CD of a bunch of white people (and one of my hip-hop favorites Aceyalone) inspired by African and middle eastern music. I'm not convinced, but found it an interesting listen nonetheless. The issue also has a great story by Rick Moody about attending a music residency in upstate New York, Brandon Stosuy's thoughts on American Black Metal and a wonderful essay about the personal connection between music and changing technology by Lavinia Greenlaw. The most awesome thing about this issue is the Interview with New Orleans soul singer Irma Thomas (who is illustrated by Charles Burns on the cover). Irma Thomas is usually always described as someone who should have been as world famous as Aretha, Tina or Dionne, and once you start listening to her you see why. Read the Interview, and go buy her new album!
Capricious #8 is a format departure from earlier editions—it's larger and unbound so each page can be hung as poster—but it still features the same flawless editing, gorgeous images and a mellow uncluttered approach to displaying them. This issue is a tribute to animals and it's really good. Each photographer, including PF favorite Melanie Bonajo and Olaf Breunning, included a statement about their relationships to animals. Go buy it at once!
Ah Doingbird, you make me wait so long to enjoy you. Doingbird 13 is finally out and has model Hilary Rhoda on the cover. I must say I'm getting a tad bored with the Terry Richardson covers but... She looks good! I don't think I've seen her face around as much lately. Jeff Burton is in here as is David Armstrong, a photographer I totally like, and Nobuyoshi Araki. Phosphorescent (a band of Brooklyn boys who make very nice music) are in this issue too. Overall a solid issue.
Review of Fantastic Man: Compared to Fantastic Man, all other magazines are coarse and common. That is all.

Girls Like Us #8 has DJ/Hercules and Love Affair singer/jewelry maker/always amazing haircut haver Kim Ann Foxman on its cover. She and various balls were photographed by Melanie Bonajo and Anne De Vries. Gaze upon their amusing and sexy centerfold:
The interviews in this issue are particularly good--sexy, funny, educational! We get stories about the Beijing art scene from DJ and curator Pauline Doutreluingne, the women's movement and a life story from political scientist Marjan Sax, sex and food from chef Kanki Fernandez, and more.
From Melanie Bonajo's Fumble in the Jungle in GLU #8.
Ever since Mr. Mcginnis told me Ms. Grace Jones would be gracing the cover of this issue of Dazed & Confused, I've been waiting impatiently to rush out and buy it. And may I just say OMG. Chris Cunningham's photographic collaboration with Jones is weird and wonderful. A sample:
You can see some more images on Dazed Digital. This is the "Art Without Limits" issue and inside curators and artists take over. They, including Gillian Wearing, Terence Koh and Agathe Snow, celebrate Maison Martin Margiela's 20th birthday by interpreting its current collection in interesting ways. Also in there: curators Kathy Grayson and Paul Peroni, Hanna Liden photographing Gang Gang Dance, David Altmejd, Steve McQueen's horrifying/riveting feature film Hunger, and tons more. This is a pretty great issue.
Gillian Wearing's interpretation of Martin Margiela's current couture collection from Dazed & Confused Vol II, #67.
I love reading each issue of Cabinet Magazine in its entirety. And as a total spazzer, that is rare for me. This issue's theme is shame and everyone's favorite genital obscurer, the fig leaf, adorns the cover. On page 4 they have an amazing alternate cover image from a 1986 calendar featuring rats in anthropomorphic poses. This particular image is a white rat as Botticelli's Birth of Venus. Despite being a rat, she is still shameful of her "business" and without clothing or convenient hair, our rat venus covers up with her tail. Essay topics include Ruth Benedict's The Chrysanthemum and the Sword, Adam and Eve, the disapproving gaze of the Other, gross things we can't tell anyone but our physicians, and so much more.
Various painted genital coverings from Alan Jacobs' Adam and Eve essay in Cabinet #31.
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