roundupjanuary.jpgWith this issue The Believer has made it to #50. Yay! For this momentous occasion, longtime Believer cover drawer and great comic book artist Charles Burns has drawn his own self portrait on the cover. He's also interviewed inside. The Believer never disappoints—this is a good issue, you guys. Look inside for: Print Fetish favorite Martha Plimpton as the guest advice columnist, German art historian/insane person Aby Warburg, a very long lament for a lost notebook by Eileen Myles, Marilyn Monroe's walk, Niagara Falls, Lydia Davis talking about Samuel Beckett among other things, folk singer Linda Thompson, baffling ancient mathematics and The Archimedes Palimpsest, and more.

Kick-ass Finnish magazine Kasino A4's Autumn/Winter 2007-8 issue tackles the complex theme of Human Nature. Kasino is getting thicker and adding colors. I like it. It's still looking good. There's a lot going on in this issue. Greenpeace missions, the former editor of Russian Playboy, compulsive lying, climate changes, fake nature, Kim Jones, vomit stories, interpretations of a landscape photograph, photographs of the neighbors' trash, snapshots of emerging artists, and fantastic letter illustrations by Japanese/American art team Overture.

Adbusters kicks off 2008 with a look at this year's big issues: journalism's shift from watchdog to lapdog of power, big business getting on board with the environmental movement, Canada's move from world peacekeeper to partner in the war on terrorism, Wall Street and the mortgage disaster, and more. Get this issue and start your 2008 well informed.

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