Linkophelia Archives
Visit Tyler Lee's Magazine Cover Collection which shows current covers from all over the world. Proof that magazine cover design is nearly a dead art form. Glance over the whole page and see which cover grabs your eye, without thinking about it too much.
Each month San Francisco artist/waiter Josh Greene awards an art grant from one nights tips. I think we'll apply to pay for a 'zine. Visit the official site of his foundation to view some of the cool projects completed thus far, such as Kara Hearn's video project where she reenacts scenes from movies.
Hmm... a site that purports to educate one on launching a magazine. Is this like those silly midwestern "modeling schools?"
Columbia University's New York Review of Magazines. Apparently the staff are "magazine junkies," but I think they need to read a bit more. Ivy League school magazines usually illustrate how not particularly smart ivy leauge students are. I'm curious about their process for picking magazines to review, because they don't seem to be visiting many of the amazing newsstands that New York has to offer. They do have an interesting story about "art" magazine 3rd Floor's struggle to get non-profit status from the IRS. While it's fascinating to read about an independent magazine's struggle to survive in a corporate world - 3rd Floor is the perfect example of altruism and "punk rock" DIY being no indication of quality. That thing blows - sorry.
Ace Jet 170 is the found print object blog of graphic designer Richard Weston. His taste leans toward mid-century minimalism and typography long before the advent of the computer. Especially gorgeous is his collection of three color pelican paper-backs.
Veronica is another magazine blogger (they seem to be popping up everywhere) who is incredibly enthusiastic over pretty magazines. Proof that young people still read print. Mag.Nificent is her blog, check it out.
Joel Kral's magazine collection on Flickr (via magculture).
Altweeklies is a site that "brings readers the best, most insightful, thought-provoking news and features published in the 126 papers that belong to the Association of Alternative Newsweeklies."
Vintage Ephemera has a marvelous collection of vintage labels, brochures, postcards, certificates and photos for sale pretty cheaply.
Hello! School's out in a week and I'm a spazzy mess. I have to run back into the dark room, but before I do, here are some links:
Sneaky US Postal rate changes to impact independent magazine publishers. Magculture link. Search and Destroy link. Sign the petition to stop this!
The Fader magazine now downloadable via iTunes. Hm! Boicozine link.
Are you too glamourous for your own good? Then this show is for you. Foam of the Daze, the first show at Smith-Stewart gallery, explores the "destructive force of glamour." The name comes from L'Ecume des Jours, the cult Boris Vian novel about a tragic glamour overdose. Through May 20, 2007, at Smith-Stewart, NYC. Link via V Magazine Blog.
I haven't the faintest idea what he's saying, but I'm pleased to announce that a fellow named Luis Mendo has started a Dutch magazine blog called BladBlog. And he linked us. Thanks Luis!
Nick Currie isn't just a Print Fetishist, he's a Magazine Pervert, his outlet, Dorama, a store in Japan that carries used magazines.
Flickr Finds: Nancy's impressive collection of music magazines and fanzines.
Picasso's penis is obscene when in cartoon form. [via Jockohomo]
Make your own flip-book!
Because reading is fundamental, check out Boldtype - a cool independent book review newsletter I get in my email once a month. You can sign up, or just browse directly on their site. Each issue centers on a theme - this month it's Food.
The Premiere Issue Project is a collection of first issue covers - feel free to submit.
Flickr Find: collection of 1920's-50's illustrated magazine covers - mostly cheesecake.
If you are looking for classic magazines, try Clunky design, but they have nearly every issue of Life, plus collections of Look (my personal favorite), Colliers and The Saturday Evening Post.
The arguably irrelevant Interview Magazine is perhaps for sale
Flickr Finds: Spies, Lies and Alibis, a collection of pulp covers
Why I love the dearly departed Nest: check out this 2004 interview with Joseph Holtzman discussing the end of the magazine
Magazine Death Pool: Who's Next!? The grim reaper discusses the death of various magazines in this interview on Swedish magazine blogger Wagazi's site as well as on his own site Magazine Death Pool. (via Magculture)
In not exactly magazine news, my friend Jana Hunter's really good new record is reviewed on the V Magazine Blog. And the Hedi Slimane Diary is full of tons of nice photos to look through whether or not you're into Pete Dougherty. has a bunch of new links to the magazines who take PDF form. I just browsed through and found this lovely gem of magazine CRU A. Their issue #6 is out and the photography is amazing. The writing is in Portugese and English so I can only read some of it. But it looks fantastic.
By German photographer Monica Menez. She's interviewed in CRU A #6.
Gallagher Paper Collectibles is a classy East Village store that sells vintage issues of fashion magazines. I personally cannot afford that place, but I digress. Owner Mike Gallagher discusses the insidious imperialist city-state of NYU as it encroaches upon him in it's campaign to annex all of lower Manhattan.
Flick Finds: Apricot X's vintage collection of mag covers, including John Water's favorite, Confidential.
This Saturday, June 16th, at 7:30 PM, Joe Matt (Peepshow) is interviewed by Ivan Brunetti (Schizo) in store at Quimby's in Chicago. Joe is on a national tour promoting Spent which collects issues 11-14 of Peepshow.
I don't know about you but I'm a little sleepy after so much 4th of July running around. We laughed, we cried, we bbqed, we saw bands play, we snuck onto rooftops, we set off bottle rockets, etc. In the spirit of a slow post-holiday workday, here are some links to look at/read/waste time with:
Sarah Ball, taker of the above photograph, has some new work up on her site. It's lovely and shot with a large format view camera in her hometown of Natchez, Mississippi.
Bernd Becher, 75, Photographer of German Industrial Landscape, Dies. (via avisualsociety, and nyt)
While we're on the subject of photography, I've been looking at/reading the Magnum Agency blog all morning.
Martha Southgate discusses the dearth of black people in the literary world.
Flickr Finds: Vintage Marilyn Monroe/Norma Jeane Baker Magazine Covers
The nerve! Jane Magazine Folds! Jane moved on already anyway.
Apparently architects, at one time or another, believed in something. From April 12th through September 9th the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montreal presents Clip/Stamp/Fold: The Radical Architecture of Little Magazines 1962-1979. For those of who can't make it, the website features covers and descriptions of these DIY architecture 'zines, self-published by architecture students and school associations.
Flickr Finds: Victorian Ephemera
Joseph Cornell was a print fetishist–one can only imagine the stacks of periodicals, books and picture postcards populating his home and irritating his mother as they fell over and into the hallways. He was probably my favorite artist in high school, and a little trendy in New Orleans I must admit, where countless artists assemble curio cabinets. The entire city in fact might be seen as one of these dream boxes, filled with faded images, wax figures and broken vintage toys. Joseph Cornell is also one of the few major artists of any interest to be seen at the New Orleans Museum of Art, where I spent many free Thursday afternoons wishing I could grab one of his boxes to play with, as it was meant to be. The Peabody Essex Museum in Salem Massachusetts has put up a lovely flash site exhibit of many of Cornell's boxes and journals. For the first time you can "flip" through pages and see videos of boxes being opened, touched and played with.
Tonight, July 19th at 7PM Dominic Priore signs copies of his new book Riot On The Sunset Srip: Rock'N’Rroll's Last Stand In 60’S Hollywood at Spoonbill & Sugartown on Bedford Ave. in Brooklyn.
Jeff Bridges signed on to star as Vanity Fair's Graydon Carter in the film adaptation of Toby Young's How to Lose Friends & Alienate People. (via Bold Type)
Tintin in the Congo has been pulled from the children's section of Border's and re-shelved in adult graphic novels due to complaints about its racist content. (via Bold Type)
Page 23 is a myspace blog that reviews new, mostly indie, fiction and interviews writers. (via Book Slut)
Salon interviews former carpenter turned food magazine editor Ed Behr about his magazine The Art of Eating and its 20th anniversary. I'm obsessed with food writing right now so I'm interested in this. (via Book Slut)
In who cares news, Vibe Vixen ceases publication with the August/September issue.
Along the same lines, according to WWD Jane subscribers will most likely have their subscriptions filled out with issues of Glamour. Ew!
In non-magazine news, tomorrow is my birthday. Woo!
What a humid, snoozy Tuesday. I'm totally in bed lounging on pillows next to the big window fan with a pile of magazines and newspapers, a bagel and a large bottle of seltzer. At some point I'm going to get up and go do stuff, but I'd like to prolong this moment for as long as I can. Here are some links for you:
I'm pleased to read that the NYT will no longer charge for the TimeSelect section. How annoying was that!
In yawn zzzzz news, PDN says Stuff magazine will be folded into Maxim this fall by their new owners.
The Portland Zine Symposium is this weekend. If you are in Portland, go to this and send us a report!
PingMag has a good interview with Japanese artist Kenichiro Mizuno. Tons of pictures to look at as well.
Hello. I have returned from the beach/country/mountains/parents' basement and am working on my back to school outfits—a little late though as school starts today. Here are a few links to get us back in the mood...
The NYT Freakanomics blog had its readers submit questions for Playboy's editorial director Chris Napolitano. And he answered them all. This is the longest Q&A I've seen in some time. I can't actually finish reading it until I make some more coffee.
Search & Destroy notes the redesign of Another Magazine. Our take on the subject coming soon.
My friend Melissa's book, based on her blog about being a NYC yellow cab driver, just came out. Go buy it. And read this feature on her in, ew, USA Today.
Swedish fashion mag Modette folds but lives on via their website.
Happy Labor Day and stuff! Now, let's get back to work.
Arthur magazine is finally back! Buy online (Dear European friends, it is worth checking out), or get it free at coffeehouses and record stores. In Manhattan try St. Marks Books; in Brooklyn try Spoonbill & Sugartown.
Flickr Finds: Typography
Art Condoms! [via Jockohomo]
Tonight at Printed Matter is the launch and signing for Paul P.’s new book, Nonchaloir, from 5 to 7 pm. Paul is known for his lovely drawings of lithe men, which you might have seen in a few Christian Dior ads last year. Printed Matter is located at 195 Tenth Avenue at 22nd. (view some of his work here)
Cr blog presents some of artist/designer Scott King's (ex-Art Director of I-D and one time Creative Director of the now defunct Sleaznation) images for his project How I'd Sink American Vogue. Hilarious. I like that guy.
Flickr Finds: Vintage Editorial and Advertising Illustrations
My new neighbor Julia Wertz is a HI-larious cartoonist with a new book coming out in a few weeks (which we will be reviewing). While you wait, check out her blog which has regularly updated comics.
Flickr Finds: Black History Through Vintage Magazines.
I've been enjoying Errol Morris' NYT blog. The post that sucked me in was back in July and asked the questions: Does a photo by itself without any words mean anything? Does it need context? Can different captions and positions alter its meaning? Up there right now is a post about altering photographs, specifically war photographs, specifically Roger Fenton's "The Valley of the Shadow of Death." He talks about the Susan Sontag essay where she says there are two versions of the photograph, one with added cannonballs and one without. He also interviews Ulrich Keller who Sontag named as her source for that information. THEN Morris actually goes to the site where the photo was taken. Good stuff.
Sex Advice from Booksellers. (via BookSlut)
Ok, this is totally weird. Fecal Face's John Trippe judges the Cut and Paste Digital Design Tournament at Yerba Buena in SF.
Bookslut's blog has a weekly interview series. This week they interview Jonathan Messinger from Featherproof Books.
Minimalist Desk How-to. A reader on Instructables shows how to make your own desk with a simple trip to the hardware store and the curb on big trash night. Mr. Mcginnis and I have made our own versions of this desk on multiple occasions and love it.
NowNow, a favorite blog of ours, interviews Malcolm Watt, co-editor of Doingbird, one of our favorite fashion magazines.
Flickr Finds: Vintage Italian Adult Photo Comics
Alphabet: An Exhibition of Hand-Drawn Lettering and Experimental Typography is showing at the Cooper Union, check out some examples on their site. On view October 11 - 27, 2007.
Alexander “Fish” Bohn talks about the fantastic new site ffffound
Flickr Finds: A lovely collection of miscellaneous paper ephemera
Print Shall Not Die [via magCulture]
Mini-comics are BIGGER than ever, so check out Shawn's mini-comics blog, Size Matters.
Interview with magazine god Fabien Baron [via magCulture]
Flickr Finds: Mad Magazine covers 50's-70's
Check out Visual Resistance, a great street art blog
One of my favorite stores in London was Muji (partly because It was one I could actually afford)... FINALLY Muji is coming to NY in two days! And yes.... they have a few magazine accessories.
Flickr Finds: The Modern Ephemera Society
Yes... House and Garden is dead. So what. Bleck. Media Life reports that publishing houses are headed for more tough times.... while Dave Eggers suggests a more appealing alternate model.
The very talented Julia Rothman (she of the marvelous Book By it's Cover Blog) has designed an extremely cute mug... BUY IT (Select "JULIAR" from the drop down menu to see it)! Available at Urban Outfitters for $14.00
PF is tweaked - are you having a seizure?! Sorry. Well... the point is, actually, I'm inspired by old school 4 color photocopies, where you put the paper through 4 times using a different ink color, using a different source image for each color. Thats how I used to do it. I haven't been in a copy store for a long time, so I don't even know if you can do that anymore.
Ping Magazine Interviews Toru Hachiga editor of from Magazines, "... a collection of design, fashion, culture magazines all around the world."
Flickr Finds: Anthony Turducken documents street art and lovely decay in New Orleans.
Taschen is having a 50% off sale on select books! We heart Taschen.
Tonight at Housing Works Bookstore Cafe contributors read form New Orleans Noir, a collection of stories about post-Katrina life in New Orleans. A portion of the books proceeds will benefit The New Orleans Public Library. 7PM, Housing Works Bookstore Café 126 Crosby St., New York, NY 10012
This article, "The Science of Covers," on the WWD site is meant to give one helpful hints about making a great cover, but all it actually does is give one insight into why so many magazines suck so hard. It's really very disturbing.
Flickr Finds: We love buttons! Check out the Flickr Buttons & Badges pool.
ASME's top covers of 2007. I don't think these people read too many magazines, and they certainly don't have much sense for design.
Flickr Finds: Charm and Poise's Teen-Age Living magazine collection
OMG! So, tons of slightly damaged and display books are on sale (50-75% off) for 3 days only at the TASCHEN Store in New York. It's January 18 - 20 so you have some time to horde away a bit of your paycheck. Friday, Saturday 11:00 am to 8:00 pm; Sunday 12:00 to 7:00 pm. TASCHEN Store 107 Greene Street, NY 10012 212-226 2212
Hey, look... a newish magazine blog, The Magaziner, run by Derek Powazek, founder of JPG Magazine.
SF art blog Fecal Face scanned some pages of Hamburger Eyes: Inside Burgerworld, the new Hamburger Eyes book that's coming out on Powerhouse Books. For the uninitiated, Hamburger Eyes, on our list of "Magazines We Love," is a black and white photography zine from San Francisco. Each issue is packed (no white spaces here) full of street photography from names you know and names you don't. I'm totally excited about this book and can't wait to get my own copy. So until the PF review goes up, enjoy a sneak peek from Fecal Face.
The Ninth Floor, photographer Jessica Dimmock's first book, is out now from Italian publisher Contrasto Books. Dimmock spent three years documenting the lives of a group of young drug addicts squatting a midtown apartment and the result is a beautiful volume of intense, disturbing and sometimes gorgeous images with lots of gatefolds. My favorite parts involve the organization of items/garbage around the apartment and the way little bits of daylight sneak through the heavy curtains and shakily illuminate her subjects. Media Storm has a multimedia feature on the project and there are many more images to see on Dimmock's own site.
Photography in Print is a blog dedicated to photo books. Much to my dismay, they haven't updated since November. There's still quite a few reviews to go through and after looking at the site, my list of must have books has grown longer. Dear Photography in Print, post more! Your friends, PF.
Interview was fun up until the mid-nineties, but basically after Warhol it was all downhill. So, I'm not sure how to feel about news that editor Ingrid Sischy and publisher Brant Resign have resigned. So what now? Irrelevant onto being truly crappy?
Flickr Finds: Vintage matchbooks here, here, here and here.
Check out the newish blog Small Press League, which covers small press, zines and comics.
Check out a marvelous historical resource, the Zinewiki.
The Beholder is a San Francisco-based webshop/gallery that sells affordable artwork by artists from all over the place. Some of the artists are represented by the gallery and others sell their stuff on consignment. The wonderful Luke Ramsey from Islands Fold has a lot of work there and so does an old SVA classmate of ours, Joyce Lee. The Beholder is a good place to start for the young collector or anyone who wants some cool art for their apt. walls. (Pictured: Luke Ramsey's Simple Spoon.)
Analogue Books, the Edinburgh book shop who makes the Running Amok zines among many other projects, has an online store that sells books, prints, and clothes. They aren't selling magazines other than Running Amok on the site but there are many good books to buy.
Dashwood Books is this kick ass bookstore on Bond Street in New York that sells only photography books. I can't allow myself to go there very often because I want to buy like everything. The shop is run by David Strettell the former Cultural Director of Magnum Photos. You don't have to be in New York to have access to all these amazing books... You can buy anything from super limited edition signed books to more affordable stuff directly from their online shop.
For just about everything you want to know but are afraid to ask about magazine history and production get Inside the Great Magazines, a 3-part documentary by DLI productions. Part one starts in London in 1731 with the production of the first magazine, then goes to Paris for the first published photographs and onward to Life Magazine, Vanity Fair and beyond. Watch the intro on YouTube and buy the set from DLI directly. (via Mr. Magazine)
Gawker took a cue from Magazine Death Pool and had their readers weigh in on 2008's Dead and Dying Magazines. Mr. Death Pool's response here.
Possibly a new Martha Stewart title in the works? Getting right back on the horse after the demise of Blueprint (sigh). More info here. (via MagCulture)
Been busy lately.... but the truth to my lack of posts is that I have so many things to read, and so much to say about so much I've been reading, that I'm completely overwhelmed. Being up to date is hard work! Ok, now for some links.
Taschen is having a big-ass clearance sale with titles up to %50 off! Now is a great time to get Wolfgang Tillman's truth study center for only $15.
No Media Kings is also having a sale, so throw a virtual dart and buy something. I myself just started reading the beautifully illustrated Therefore Repent.
Flickr Finds: bcash67 record cover collection.
Bookendless is a blog out of Tokyo that covers photography, design and architecture books. No reviews, but great interior shots of the recommended books.
Why do magazines suck? This "Editors Vs. Art Directors" post illustrates how an English major lacks vision.
Flickr Finds: Wow... What would NY look like without advertising everywhere? Check out the transformation of a city: São Paulo No Logo
Check out Pacific Standard, blog of former Visionaire and V Magazine designer Strath Shepard, who, despite that former job, is strangely heterosexual. Fascinating.
Jessica Silverman, a pal of ours in SF, recently moved her gallery and shop to a new spot on Sutter Street. If you're in the neighborhood, go check out the Silverman Gallery and the Look Boutique. Or you can browse their online shop for mags, books, clothes, and jewelry.
There is some controversy over American Vogue's April cover featuring LeBron James and Giselle Bündchen. (via magculture)
Scans of Dan Clowes' 1997 essay Modern Cartoonist are up on the Fantagraphics site in all their hand-lettered and illustrated splendor. (via BookSlut)
And, now that I'm looking around on Fantagraphics, I see that there are some Love & Rockets 1st editions on sale. Ooooh!
I was browsing around St. Marks Bookshop last night and noticed a sign on their door that said St. Marks Bookshop turns 30 this year. I looked online to see if they were planning any festivities and it seems like they aren't. However, you should go there and buy stuff and continue supporting their fantasticness. St. Marks Bookshop is the first place I saw Butt Magazine and they've introduced me to many other great publications over the years. Happy Birthday, St. Marks Bookshop!
Oh lordy. [via MagCulture]
The Onion has a huge gallery of amusing and sometimes even hilarious fake weekend magazine covers here. [also via MagCulture]
Danish gallery TTC has a new website with a new and huge zine shop. Go shop around. Also if you are in the vicinity of Copenhagen, they're having a show of photographs from Ice-T Body Count, a new book of black and white photographs from 37 journeys in 17 countries taken by 13 photographers over the last 11 years.
Nick Currie (aka Momus) waxes on the magazines he'd be reading from the newsagents before the internet (wonderful visual examples included), the decline of magazines and the closing of Japanese editor/publisher Amano Yukichi's magazine Kokoku Hihyo as an example.
Flickr finds: Hand painted signage around New Orleans from Skeleton Krewe
Get Out: 7:30 tonight at the NYU/The Bronfman Center (7 East 10th Street, New York) Habitus magazine hosts a reading and conversation with celebrated Dutch novelist and journalist Arnon Grunberg.
I don't like all the mags on the list of The beauty of print: the best-looking titles on the news-stand, but I do find it interesting how magazines that are at least striving for quality and creativity get mentioned in the European press. [via MagCulture]
Flickr Finds: Hilly Blue's incredible collection of After Dark magazine scans, featuring celebrity portraits, movie stills and tons of naked dancers (if you hunt, you'll find some not often seen Mapplethorpe photos, like the one below).
The Ephemerist is a blog I've been enjoying that shows cool comics, illustration, advertising and various cool junk.
My current addiction is We Heart it, an image bookmarking site where you collect all the images that inspire you, and share them with all your pals. Basically I got tired of waiting around for an invitation to ffffound. Anyone can join We Heart It, which makes it cool and lame... but I'm on it, so theres always that.
Last week Mr. Mcginnis and I dropped by Tim Barber's TV Books exhibition at Partners and Spade on Great Jones St. Mr. Barber is a man of many talents and projects and he recently added a bookshop to his website Tiny Vices where he's been curating wonderful selections of photographs for some time. At TV Books you can find limited edition books from Mr. Barber, Aurel Schmidt, Patrick Griffin and more. Go shop. Or look at photos from the show. (pictured at left, the cover of Simulations by Chris Dorland)
There's an in-depth article on The Atlantic and its journey into and beyond the digital age on the Folio site. (via MagCulture)
In the last two years photographer Rachel Barrett has photographed all 236 of New York's newsstands. And she's just in time too because they are on their way out—to be replaced by standardized structures provided by the city. Wow, how boring. I love newsstands. I've always wanted to man my own but I guess I'm too late to have any fun with it. See The New York Times slideshow here and the accompanying article here.
Photo by Rachel Barrett.
Nutopia scanned Uniqlo Paper's interview with David Strettell, owner of the lovely and amazing Dashwood Books—a place filled with things I want (Via A Visual Society).
COMING SOON: Graphic Design Referenced (GDR) is a 400-page guide to the most commonly referenced terms, historical moments, landmark projects and practitioners in the field of graphic design...
Flickr finds: Jan Tonnesen's album cover collection
I've recently discovered one of my favorite magazine blogs... Glossed Over. Hilarious and bitchy examinations of American women's fashion magazines by Wendy Fellton, a freelance editor and writer who can't stop buying tacky magazines even though she seems to really, really hate them.
Kenn Duncan, the principal photographer at one of our favorite magazines, After Dark, is having a retrospective of his celebrity and performance photography at The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts through October 25th.
Flickr Finds: Jovike's awesome record cover collection.
Showpaper is having open submissions for its huge covers which usually features bold, colorful illustrations. The deadline is this Sunday (sorry for the lateness), but they'll be doing this at least 4 times a year. The paper is free in the New York area, so this is a great oppurtunity to get your stuff seen.
Our culture is far too immersed in living beyond its means and constructing an overly elaborate, unregulated credit based economy - so what's going down is no surprise, if you ask me. Duh.
Lame magazines are in trouble. What large media corporations need to do to continue making money is to cease making these bloated, crass and outdated wastes of paper and invest in small press while leaving them somewhat creatively autonomous. The model of creatively focused print is definitely the future. low overhead, inventive design, passionate creatives and intelligently narrowed advertising is the ONLY way print will survive. The movie industry and the record industry both invest in independent work and companies, when will print follow suit?
Condé Nast Cuts Focus on 2 Magazines
These people do not look at magazines, they award magazines where their friends work... Do they ever visit a magazine stand in Manhattan? ASME 2008 Best Magazine Cover Winners and Finalists.
M/M (Paris) are one of my favorites... they don't define themselves specifically as designers, photographers, artists or illustrators or whatever, they just create. Check out this interview at PingMag
Flickr Finds: Duckage's Rock Poster collection
I find this article about the differences between US and British editorial methods cute, but also useful - as I'm sure creatives will be leaving the United States for work in increasing numbers.
There is no one more fierce than Grace Jones - I mean, that is as far as the concept of fierce even goes. CR looks into Tom Hingston Studio's (frequent Nick Knight collaborators) work on her new album artwork which involves Grace working in a chocolate factory, inspecting an assembly line of chocolate molded from her body parts.
Flikcr Finds: Ilovecoffeeyesido's vintage christmas card and wrapping paper collection
R&S has been posting rarely... what can I say? We're just out hustlin' with no time for our dear, dear Print Fetish. Anyway! Here are some links of interest.
Oliver Luft discusses the future of Print in The Guardian
Fantastic Man write up in The International Herald Tribune
Magtastic Blogsplosion Interviews German Indie mag publisher, Lothar Eckstein
Flikr Finds: ocad123's sublime 45 collection
R&S is hustlin' baby! Ms. Keough has her work up now at Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery till June 6th
Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery
526 W. 26th Street, No. 213
New York, NY 10001
Momus on one of the best newish Magazines, Apartamento
flickr finds: DJ Fey's lovely Pop bottle collection
Another Magazine's new issue with Tilda Swinton is online in it's entirety.
Did you know Index Magazine is back as an online magazine featuring all new content plus every interview EVER from the print version?
Doing everything online rather than printing is not necessarily better for the environment, FYI
Visual Finds: A collection of Penguin Sci-Fi Covers
Ms. Keough and I went to the NY Art Book Fair opening last night at P.S 1 (an amazing space, FYI)... but I could barely deal because I wanted to buy everything, but I'm broke! AAAAAAARG! However, I literally bought the very first things I picked up. I'm an impulse buyer! More on those delights later.
Plug: Check out my new image blog, Love is a Prelude to Sorrow
Flickr Finds: This is the guy who beat me out of copies of the fabulous Gentry Magazine
A good selection of street art images at Designer Daily
Check out the preview for McSweeney's one-shot newspaper, The San Francisco Panorama. Exciting if it were to be a continuing paper, but it's only meant to express the possibilities that print newspapers can reach for... too bad no one will take them up on their advice and they'll all go out of business.
Check out photos of the last days at Gourmet Magazine and observe the dismantling of a dull and oppressive office space. I'm ambivalent about the mags demise, although I think Ruth Reichl is fabulous.
Check out Hard Print, a new blog dedicated solely to fag rags from AROUND THE WORLD, bitches.

Metal magazine Decibel interviews Tom Neely from Igloo Tornado who's amazing comic Henry & Glenn Forever stars Glenn Danzig and Henry Rollins as a couple who live next door to satanists Hall & Oates.
UK design studio Studio8 founder Matt Wiley's collection of old boxing posters on Eye Blog.
Louis Vuitton's Young Arts Program pairs up with Tate Modern, Whitechapel Gallery, Hayward Gallery, Royal Academy of Arts and South London Gallery to bring new creative arts program to the kids.
Fellow magazine blog Magculture has released a print version of itself.
I've spent the past little while looking around in the Charts & Graphs section of Lapham's Quarterly. It's fun. Start with 6 degrees of Lord Byron.

Flickr Finds: Technochiock's 90's Detroit Rave Flyer collection
Check out Dalmmatin, a fabulous blog on zines
SAD BLOG has posted spreads from a 1974 issue of Interview Magazine

Flickr Finds: Mickey the Pixel's underground comics collection
Verlyn Klinkenborg's Further Thoughts of a Novice E-Reader
A wonderful new bookstore, Mast, has opened up on Ave. A between E. 4th and 5th Streets, next to the New York Magazine store. A very well curated space, filled with art books and the like. Prices are excellent, and they're buying books, so you should get your fabulous boxes down there.

Flickr Finds: Christian Montoner's vintage art supply collection
I'm really bummed that Grafik magazine, strangely the only interestingly designed graphic design magazine, is folding!
Check out McSweeny's Bargain Books section. Especially cool is the half off McSweeney's #13, the gorgeous and legendary comics issue, with a fold out poster cover by Chris Ware.
The Camera Club of New York is having an open call for a one day zine and self-published photo book fair. Drop off your book or zine during gallery hours Monday-Saturday, 12-6pm at Attn: Zine Fair The Camera Club of New York, The Arts Building 336 West 37th Street, Suite 206 New York, NY 10018-4212. Click here for more info.

Flickr Finds: Some of my favorite illustration/design work are 1960's/70's Krautrock record covers, enso-on has a few great ones in his record collection.
Check out The Huffington Post's list of 15 Feisty Small Presses.
I am so seriously not a fan of Wonder Woman's new costume. It won't last.
The Cabinet Staff doing their own distribution! It's rough out there.

I'm not particularly into Dennis Cooper ... in fact, I think he's a ridiculously bad writer ... but his 70's-80's zine to magazine Little Caesar is certainly of queer, punk, self-publishing interest, if only from a historical perspective. High-resolution Pdf's are available to download.
I adore this scathing review of Print, a magazine I have not looked at since 2003.
Via an actually good design magazine, Creative Review: It takes a lot of work to do a little mag. I love how when the magazine arrives a girl smells it! We ALWAYS do that.

Hey folks, it's been a while. But let's get back to it!
Photographer Bruce Davidson's penetrating 80's NY Subway portraits
I'm utterly fascinated by the Carson Mag drama. Everyone is an Ass here it seems. And of course, the magazine is just terrible .... just terrible.
Get ready for Glossed Over's Vougue Liveblog tomorrow, August 24th.
New Releases from PF Favorites:
2nd Cannons: Alice Cooper/ Suzi Simpsom by Brian Kennon - A Pocket-sized collection of images of Alice Cooper and 90's playboy model, Suzi Simpson.
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