lukeramsey.jpegThe Beholder is a San Francisco-based webshop/gallery that sells affordable artwork by artists from all over the place. Some of the artists are represented by the gallery and others sell their stuff on consignment. The wonderful Luke Ramsey from Islands Fold has a lot of work there and so does an old SVA classmate of ours, Joyce Lee. The Beholder is a good place to start for the young collector or anyone who wants some cool art for their apt. walls. (Pictured: Luke Ramsey's Simple Spoon.)

Analogue Books, the Edinburgh book shop who makes the Running Amok zines among many other projects, has an online store that sells books, prints, and clothes. They aren't selling magazines other than Running Amok on the site but there are many good books to buy.

Dashwood Books is this kick ass bookstore on Bond Street in New York that sells only photography books. I can't allow myself to go there very often because I want to buy like everything. The shop is run by David Strettell the former Cultural Director of Magnum Photos. You don't have to be in New York to have access to all these amazing books... You can buy anything from super limited edition signed books to more affordable stuff directly from their online shop.

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