outApparently architects, at one time or another, believed in something. From April 12th through September 9th the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montreal presents Clip/Stamp/Fold: The Radical Architecture of Little Magazines 1962-1979. For those of who can't make it, the website features covers and descriptions of these DIY architecture 'zines, self-published by architecture students and school associations.

Flickr Finds: Victorian Ephemera

Joseph Cornell
was a print fetishist–one can only imagine the stacks of periodicals, books and picture postcards populating his home and irritating his mother as they fell over and into the hallways. He was probably my favorite artist in high school, and a little trendy in New Orleans I must admit, where countless artists assemble curio cabinets. The entire city in fact might be seen as one of these dream boxes, filled with faded images, wax figures and broken vintage toys. Joseph Cornell is also one of the few major artists of any interest to be seen at the New Orleans Museum of Art, where I spent many free Thursday afternoons wishing I could grab one of his boxes to play with, as it was meant to be. The Peabody Essex Museum in Salem Massachusetts has put up a lovely flash site exhibit of many of Cornell's boxes and journals. For the first time you can "flip" through pages and see videos of boxes being opened, touched and played with.

Tonight, July 19th at 7PM Dominic Priore signs copies of his new book Riot On The Sunset Srip: Rock'N’Rroll's Last Stand In 60’S Hollywood at Spoonbill & Sugartown on Bedford Ave. in Brooklyn.

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