Hello. I have returned from the beach/country/mountains/parents' basement and am working on my back to school outfits—a little late though as school starts today. Here are a few links to get us back in the mood...

The NYT Freakanomics blog had its readers submit questions for Playboy's editorial director Chris Napolitano. And he answered them all. This is the longest Q&A I've seen in some time. I can't actually finish reading it until I make some more coffee.

Search & Destroy notes the redesign of Another Magazine. Our take on the subject coming soon.

My friend Melissa's book, based on her blog about being a NYC yellow cab driver, just came out. Go buy it. And read this feature on her in, ew, USA Today.

Swedish fashion mag Modette folds but lives on via their website.

Happy Labor Day and stuff! Now, let's get back to work.

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