I don't like all the mags on the list of The beauty of print: the best-looking titles on the news-stand, but I do find it interesting how magazines that are at least striving for quality and creativity get mentioned in the European press. [via MagCulture]


Flickr Finds: Hilly Blue's incredible collection of After Dark magazine scans, featuring celebrity portraits, movie stills and tons of naked dancers (if you hunt, you'll find some not often seen Mapplethorpe photos, like the one below).


The Ephemerist is a blog I've been enjoying that shows cool comics, illustration, advertising and various cool junk.

My current addiction is We Heart it, an image bookmarking site where you collect all the images that inspire you, and share them with all your pals. Basically I got tired of waiting around for an invitation to ffffound. Anyone can join We Heart It, which makes it cool and lame... but I'm on it, so theres always that.

Comments (1)

Thanks for the nice words. This one isn't too bad either !

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