Mollusk #3


mollusk3.jpgMollusk #3
96 pages , 19 x 27 cm.
Limited edition 1000 ex.

After seeing an earlier post where we mention the Swedish/French artist duo Bongôut, a friend suggested we check out their magazine, Mollusk. I contacted them and they so nicely and promptly sent me some copies. Mollusk is an ad free art jounal that mostly shows full pages of work by artists from around the world. There is some text about the artists and some interviews in both English and French. This issue covers a wide range from an interview with G.G. Allin's brother Merle about his serial killer art collection to a French guy named Medhi Hercberg who makes cool drawings and sweatshirts. When I looked up Medhi's website, I saw that he's putting on a show with Eats Tapes, my friends from San Francisco. Small world! Other highlights from the issue are photographs by Solange Reboul, an article about German outsider artist Engelbert Kievernagel, and stencils by Polish group M-City.

Buy the magazine directly from Bongôut.

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