The Slice Harvester, Issue 2
8.5 x 5.5 32 pages, b/w photocopy

I went record shopping the other day and the counter guy said "Hey have you seen this 'zine The Slice Harvester?" Then he looked at me and was like "Oh you know about it, right? It's awesome, isn't it!" I actually didn't know about it but suddenly felt compelled to buy it. And good thing I did, it's hilarious! Colin has set out to eat every slice of pizza in New York and each issue covers a different neighborhood. Issue 2 takes the Upper West Side... His slice parameters are in keeping with my own (just your basic triangular cheese slice) and his descriptions are thorough and helpful, including amusing asides on his moods and how they might be affecting his tasting abilities. Particularly helpful/awesome is a discussion on how The Ramones are like a pizza slice--"..Joey's singing is the sauce-sweet, but containing a hint of worldly bitterness...." His tangential stories of pizza-eating companions and adventures are also fun. I'm looking forward to an issue that covers a neighborhood where I spend more time. Mr. Harvester does have a blog though, so I may just have to start there. Purchase the zine from him directly or at Academy Records on N. 6th St. in Williamsburg (if you happen to be in New York).

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