

01omslag.jpegRoomservice: Magazine About Real Life Transactions
100 pages, full color, perfect bound
170 mm x 240 mm

I particularly love magazines with a strong concept from which all of its content revolves around. When all choices are made based on their relationship to the central concept, a magazine becomes a unified whole, even though it contains a wide diversity of contributions. This is the real art of magazine making. I also love magazines that feature people who aren't famous - because fame isn't enough to make someone interesting. Found and Butt are two favorites because they exemplify these qualities and so does the new Dutch magazine Roomservice created and designed by Jacco Kranenburg. Issue one is a collection of the magazine's winning bids on ebay auctions of human billboards. Through auction descriptions and photos of sellers displaying their Roomservice advertisements, we get a fascinating glimpse into the lives of strangers.

Roomsevice is an intriguing example of the possibilities of internet/print symbiosis. It has the democratic and accidental qualities of the net contained in quality editorial arrangement.

See Also: Jacco's interview at Gym Class

Roomservice is available on their site

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