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Blender folds, editor goes to Maxim, Maxim folds. So do Arena, Tokion, King and Genre. The Guardian weighs in on Maxim and Arena (via magculture). UPDATE: Despite my best efforts to find someone who still works there, I cannot say for sure that Tokion has folded... Only that they were acquired by Nylon in January.


Photographer Helen Levitt died last week at 95. Read her NYT obit, browse some of her wonderful street photography and buy her books from Powerhouse Books.

San Francisco-based art site, Fecal Face, is looking for a Berlin correspondent. So if you live there and are involved in Berlin's art sceney-scene, you should email info about yourself with some samples of writing and skill set to: news(at)fecalface.com.

Comments (2)


Tokion has not folded. You are correct, they were acquired by the same company that owns Nylon and Inked and soon to be Surface.

tokion acquired by nylon? wow. really curious of the final end if everything goes on.

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