by Lacey Prpic-Hedtke
25 pages, 2.25 x 11", b/w photocopy inside, notebook cover
I love making lists. On this laptop I have lists of novel titles, places I've lived, teen movie plot ideas, items that I've gotten in my eye and many many more. It's calming and entertaining to organize information in this fashion. In the same vein, I think, list zines are immensely satisfying. You can sort of read between the lines of words, the bits of information and put together a picture of a whole person. I picked up Likes/Dislikes at Printed Matter and sat down with a friend to read it. We didn't flip to the back for a bio until we'd had a chance to get to know our mystery list-maker. We hypothesize that Lacey Prpic-Hedtke, the writer, is fun (Likes: Laughing Uncontrollably; Riding my bike and singing), romantic (Likes: Those always ready for adventure; Patsy Cline; Men who write love letters), sexy, a good dancer, crafty, a reader, an artist, a teenager (dislikes: When people stare at me for no reason; When people tell me I'm not what I say I am), a punk, a cook, and so on. This zine is lively and entertaining and gives you the sort of thrill you might get from looking through someone else's notebook.
Both Likes/Dislikes and Likes/Dislikes 2 are available at Printed Matter or you can check Lacey's myspace page for a list of distros. She also has an etsy store.
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Comments (1)
Oh wow! I was just bored and Googling myself and found this. Glad you loved it... You got it all right, except I'm in my late twenties, not a teenager, but I really still feel like one. He. Yayyyy...Love this site too!
Posted by Lacey Prpic Hedtke | November 3, 2008 4:02 PM
Posted on November 3, 2008 16:02