
During Butt Magazine's early years they had a companion zine, a sisterly counterpart, called Kutt. It was started by their friend Jessica Gysel. She put out a few issues of Kutt and then seemed to disappear, only to resurface a few years later with the fantastic Girls Like Us magazine. Ultimately, Girls Like Us is the better mag--more fully realized, existing on its own rather than as a version of Butt, etc. Regardless, the issues of Kutt are still totally good, if you can find them... I had been looking for ages before I finally found a single copy of issue #3 at St. Marks Books.

See, just like Butt! This is an interview with painter and all around lovely San Francisco resident Alicia McCarthy.

A slightly cropped (scanner issues) centerfold.

This is my favorite shoot from the issue: I Sat on Something That Reminded Me of You, photographed by Viviane Sassen.

From the road trip photoshoot "...My New Favorite Thing is to Wait..." by Vivian Joyner. On the right there is Sophie Morner, publisher of Capricious and Girls Like Us.

Mud Wrestling! Ack!

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