

vsiman.pngI have a tendency to gloss over while looking through the fashion section at Universal News. There are so many enormous European fashion magazines and I can't tell most of them apart. The stories all kind of blend together and I find myself unable to remember anything specific about each issue. But Vs. Magazine, also a large fashion, etc. mag from Europe, rises above the rest. The stuff they cover isn't that unique: fashion designers, rock bands, an actor or two. So what is it that makes Vs. so good? Well, first of all, the photography is just fucking gorgeous. And I think what really makes Vs. different from its peers is the maturity of its content. You get the feeling that everything is well-considered—the section of interviews in the middle of the book is printed on matte paper and all the photos are black and white. They're smart. They are enthusiastic but not spazzy. They have a clear voice and they stick to it.

Pages from the current issue (I believe its their 4th), after the jump...

From the Annie Lennox interview.

From the lovely Iman story. She was one of the 6 covers. The others were Linda Vojtova, Bridget Hall, Anne Vyalitsyna, Liberty Ross, and Leah De Wavrin.

"While we have a special love for this dusty black & white look that goes so damn well with rock'n'roll, nothing is in fact black and white in this life." First page of the Contradictions section where they ask 3 bands the same 8 questions.

The relationship between food and fashion is something of a sub-theme in this issue.

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