I know I get all high-minded about magazines, so some people might wonder why the hell I like Blueprint. Blueprint does not meet all of my criteria for quality (It could have used at least ONE feature length article), but for what it was... it was quite good. The typography was truly excellent, the layouts uncluttered, the information well conveyed and digestible. It was the greatest magazine to read on the john or train, with recipe's, cocktails and crafts one might actually attempt. And I have.
Unlike it's retarded competition Domino, Blueprint had a higher level of design taste and less emphasis on consumerism, with more placed upon creativity and inventiveness. It was cute, fluffy and only $3.50! I'm totally annoyed that it's folding! Martha Stewart, who publishes the mag, says that it's demographic (25-45 year old women) prefers getting their info online, which is total baloney. On the big shelter blogs like apartmentherapy and Design* Sponge, everyone talks about Blueprint. Now what magazine can I buy at Wallgreens when I go to buy cat food! What will satisfy my lust for decor porn!? And what the hell am I going to read on the toilet?!? Oh yeah... Straight to Hell (alas, not available at Wallgreens).
So, the "brand" of Blueprint and it's blog will continue. Whoopty-doo. The final issue is still on the newstands, so run out and get it.
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