After Dark was a mainstream entertainment magazine that was pretty gay back in the 70's. It was run and written by smart New York homos who mostly covered theater, dance and movie stars they thought were fabulous and/or sexy. Basically they covered whoever the hell they wanted in much the same vein as Index or Butt. They unabashedly featured photography of naked dancers (and a notorious nude of a certain California governor) alongside entertainment coverage. After Dark was owned and run by Dance Magazine, a company both myself and Ms. Keough worked for– so we got our hands on this old book, Pose, from 1973, that collects some of After Dark's lovely black and white photography.

more images after the jump

Alice Cooper

Little Joe and Viva

Shirley MacLaine


Comments (2)


I would love to pose for your magazine. so if you can contact me at (347) 3922825 thank-you

Um.... that magazines been gone for over 25 years.

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