spr-recs.pngThe Art of Music
Secret Project Robot
Brooklyn, NY
Saturday July 21, 8-11pm

Tomorrow night Secret Project Robot gallery in Williamsburg is having a show of handmade, original, and limited edition record art by collectors, artists and bands. There will be work by great Providence band Lightning Bolt, spazzy art collective Paper Rad, British post-punk band Scritti Politti, early '80s LA punks 100 Flowers, no wave label guy with awesome name Dan Seltzer/Acute Records, Brooklyn screenprinters Kayrock Screenprinting, record labels Social Registry and Troubleman, East Village gallery Little Cakes, and more. I'm looking forward to this. I love record cover art. I have so many favorites. While looking around for some of my own favorites, I ran across this list of Beck's favorite record covers and this selection of some of the worst record covers known to man--love Heino, glad he made the list!

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