Post Road


outPost Road lacks the dry, stuffy quality associated with most old-school literary journals. It's not only well edited and written - but actually entertaining. What's refreshing is the eclecticism and lack of ostentatiousness in their choices - you get the sensation of a smart and super-cool coffee clutch firing off ideas to each other. Post Road publishes criticism, fiction, non-fiction, poetry (we'll forgive them that) as well as some visual art (though not their strong point). They also have great book recommendations (written more as a pal telling you than as formal review) and a section entitled "Etcetera," which houses anything from a description of a walking tour to twenty questions for David Mamet.

Issue #13 is out now. Available at St. Marks Books or online here.

Post Road is currently conducting a fiction and poetry contest, with a $1000 prize for winners. Apply here.

The pic above is my cover for issue #11, read the essay I wrote for it here. Yes, I'm totally biased. Deal.

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