Magazine Nerds


Living in both worlds, I see the similarity of comic nerds and magazine obsessives. Colophon 2007 is undoubtedly the magazine version of Comic-con. With the advent of the internet, magazines will be fetishized as objects in much the same way as comics. Magazine stores will soon be selling mylar bags and Fabien Baron statuettes. I think this might be the first magazine store modeled after a comic book shop. Also, my previous post has sparked a conversation between myself and Search & Destroy that is very reminiscent of a nerd fight over the liberties Sam Raimi took in translating Spider-Man to the screen. BTW... Search & Destroy, I love the character of Spider-Man - but the writing of the current comic book is absurd and the art of questionable skill - therefore, I won't be buying it anytime soon. However, if I see it lying around, I'll check it out. Go Spider-Man!

Comments (1)

I used to live two blocks from Magnation in Melbourne. I live in London now and wish there was something similar here.

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