Top Shelf Sale


outTop Shelf publishes a lot of the best young talent in comics - and they've risen to amazing success because of it. To celebrate their 10 year anniversary, this Monday April 9th thru Wednesday April 18th, 125 titles will be on sale - with many beautiful graphic novels for as little as 3 bucks! I cannot BELIEVE that legendary Alan Moore and José Villarrubia's AMAZING The Mirror of Love, a graphic documentary on the history of same-sex love (and Alan is married to a woman isn't he? how sweet of him), which was $24.95, is now only $3!! I just ordered it - I'm sure it will be gone FAST.

Also, my pal Aaron Renier's book, Spiral Bound, which was $14.95, is on sale for $12.00. His book is great for adults or kids - BUY IT!

Comments (2)

I second that, Mr. Renier's book is fantastic. Buy it at once.

Yes, I KNOW you think it's fantastic... I suppose that is why you still have my copy after nearly a YEAR.

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