Shameless Plug


Edited by Linnea Vedder
Published by R&S Media
4.25" X 5.5"
30 pages, full color, Hand stamped cover

Back in 2004 we made our first book project. It's a lovely full-color, palm sized book that details the slump we all encounter between the hours of 3 and 5. Our book proves that ennui can be sexy! The design is inspired by the tiny illustrated Shakespearean qoute book my mother kept in the bathroom. Photography by Sarah Forbes Keough (Ms. Keough to the likes of you), Maggie Foster, Tim Sullivan and Linnea Vedder with an introduction by Amy Squires and Jay Barmann. We still have a few copies left - so buy a piece of history! Only $5.00, plus $4.05 for shipping.

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