Photobooth Love


berlin_1.jpg is the most comprehensive photobooth resource on the internet. That's what it says on the front page, but after a bunch of googling around, I'd have to agree. Brian and Tim, the fellows who run the site, seem to be obsessed with trying to locate every photobooth in the world, as well as any photobooth that appears in film and television. As of right now, there are close to 200 booths in their list so consult it before a trip, whether to Connecticut or Finland they'll find you something. They also have a blog, a gallery of photobooth pictures (submit yours!), and information about booth related art projects and books. I'd love to find this limited edition book of photobooth pictures put out by Billy Childish. Anyone out there have it?

Photo above is by Klaas from Berlin. Those German FotoAutomats are cool looking. And of course, there's a flickr pool of them.

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