
nyjsdb.jpgNY JS DB 62
Photographs by David Bailey
Essay by Martin Harrison
Published By Steidl
26 cm x 33 cm
72 pages, 3 colour plates, 24 tritone plates
Clothbound hardcover with a slipcase

I feel like I've been on a bit of a Steidl Press Love Fest lately but I don't care, I want this book. There's something electrifying about your first trip to New York and the excitement of walking around and photographing the streets even without Jean Shrimpton as your model/girlfriend. These photos make me smile. The joy of getting out of the studio and in the streets is there and contagious. Also Jean Shrimpton looks amazing. Also I think it's hilarious that the people at British Vogue told Bailey that as a representitive of the magazine, it'd be better if he didn't wear his leather jacket at the St. Regis Hotel. Heh. Here are some of Bailey's photographs from that period. And there's a pretty good Women's Wear Daily article about Bailey and the book where he's quoted as saying, "Now fashion shoots are like Spielberg films—perfected mediocrity!" And after the jump are some shots from the book...





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