Safe + Sound


idsafesound.jpgSo it's Monday morning and I must say I'm feeling a little Le Blah. I was in a loner-y wandering around mood yesterday. I dropped by St. Marks Books but didn't see any magazines I wanted. Well, except for The Last Magazine book, but it was too expensive. The plan was to end up seeing The Valerie Project at Anthology but by the time I got there it was sold out. I hate that. I spent all day doing pretty much nothing but never bothered to check about getting an advaned ticket. So instead I went to see some horribly embarrassing romantic comedy hoping that its sappy dorkiness would cheer me. It did a little, but what really cheered me was sitting here this morning and reading i-D's Safe + Sound book over a cup of coffee and toast.

Safe + Sound is one of those i-D special issues, like the earlier Family Future Positive and Beyond Price. This one asked its contributors, as always a huge list of artists, photographers, fashion designers, stylists, and writers, for positive stories of people coming through difficult times. The snarky person inside me would prefer to be like oh lame but my heart was truly warmed and maybe its the coffee talking but I feel like I am starting my day off feeling pretty good. I'm off to photograph a girl who has an impressive collection of strangely shaped copper cake pans and is obsessed with mustaches.

Comments (3)

I was the same as you. I was in a creative funk one day in Chapters bookstore, and found this little gem. I actually passed it twice, but I decided to open it up, and was genuinely touched by a lot of the short stories. They're short enough to quickly get the gist of the meaning, without feeling like someone's dropping a serious lecture on you. And it's very visual/art based, which I love.

I even wrote (raved) about it in my blog.


I want this special edition but can't find it! Argh.

I have some info where to buy on my blog:

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