

DAYcover.jpegBrian Ralph was one of the first people I met in Providence when I moved there. Imagine my surprise when I wandered into a cute store called Doubledutch Boutique in Baltimore yesterday only to discover that the shop was owned by his wife, they have a kid, and he teaches at the Maryland Institute College of Art.

I bought episode number one of his comic Daybreak, which I'd seen some of on the group comic blog New Bodega. I love it. His comics seem to mostly take place in and around piles of rubble and his heros are marooned humans, bored monkeys, cavemen and robots. I don't really know how to describe his style of drawing, except that I find it immensely satisfying to look at. It's warm, and charming, and mysterious, and there's a lot of fantastic looking broken wood pieces everywhere.

Buy his comics at cool stores, from his website, or from Bodega Distribution. P.S., Baltimore is fun. I met a bunch of goofballs who live in old houses with layers and layers of wallpaper and collections of thrifted items, and they have dogs, and they do things like stage human pyramids and water ballets, and I had a pretty decent smothered burrito (don't worry Denver, it wasn't as good as yours). I want to go back and take more photos, meet more people. Atomic Books and its sister store Atomic Pop have tons of zines and comics.

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