Picture%201.pngA friend sent me to this site PDF Mags. It calls itself "Your PDF Mag's Magazine." I have no idea what that means. However, there are a bunch of magazines that come out in PDF form listed on the site with links to download. Mr. Mcginnis and I are always on about the various reasons for going the PDF route—no money, not wanting to use up a lot of paper, wanting to add video, other interactive thingies, etc. Go to this site and look around. I'm not yet through them all but so far I'm all into this Polish photo mag called Abandoned Magazine. It's simple: black and white photographs of bits of graffiti on falling down buildings and I'm really in that kind of mood this week.

Comments (1)

'PDF Mag's Magazine' means, it´s a magazine about magazines. Ok, you are right. Not now. But it will be a REAL magazine. Come back and stay.

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