Fort Thunder


ralph1.jpgLast night I was looking through old photos and papers in search of a lost sleeve of negatives from a road trip. I got sidetracked on the way by a collection of old Fort Thunder posters. Providence was so fun back then! When I started spending more time in Providence, I met the boys from Fort Thunder, a warehouse/art collective in Olneyville. Their warehouse was like a big colorful maze of stuff and artwork. I remember one night sleeping over in a mess of blankets in front of a precariously piled television wall. There had lots of art and music shows, and weird wrestling nights. I had some lovely times there and wish I'd stayed in touch. So I googled them. And found some good links:

The Fort Thunder Site

New Bodega: group comics blog

Savage Pencils: another group art blog

A recent NYT review of a show at RISD including many Fort Thunder artists.

Bodega Distribution sells books by some of the Fort Thunder artists.

(pictured: from Brian Ralph's Monster at the Beach.)

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