On The Road


xiubook.jpgXiu Xiu Tour Diary #4
5.5" x 8.5"; 30 pages
Color photocopy

Shirtless in front of a motel with razor in hand, stopping on the side of the road to lick a giant ice cream cone, zoning out in odd positions in back seats, playing shows in rooms with low ceilings, eating gross food, acting spazzy in other peoples' apartments, studying bathroom and bar graffiti, spending weeks with the same group of people but also meeting new ones every night, just going along with whatever happens. I love tour. And I love tour diaries. Photographer David Horvitz's diaries document the last four Xiu Xiu tours. He prints them on an Epson inkjet on double-sided matte paper. They are thick and look fantastic and bright. He also has polaroids and other cool looking projects for sale on his site.

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