IHeartDrknss_cover.jpgI Heart Darkness
Natascha Snellman
8 x 5.5" 122 pages
Edition of 500.

I like Natascha Snellman's interview style and the overall feeling of this book. Opening the book with a few pages of Natascha's own collage work sets a casual, familiar tone which definitely continues in the interviews. She interviews 14 artists about their ways of making art. Interviewees include: Ami Tallman, Sue De Beer, Ashley Macomber, and Gus Van Sant. After the interviews is 30 pages of examples of the artists' recent work.

The publisher, 2nd Cannons Publications, says on their site: "Limited deluxe version with an additional volume of Natascha's collages coming soon!" And I'm into that. I love limited editions, more handmade versions, and books that come with prints or a package of cute items.

Buy this book from 2nd Cannons Publications directly or from the New Museum shop.

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