IN BRIEF Archives
Chris Morgan's and Drew Needham's little newsprint zine Biopsy claims it is America's last magazine, and after reading the latest issue of Rolling Stone, I'm inclined to believe them. I haven't read the latest issue yet (it's teetering on my stack) but I'm intrigued by the list of articles defending questionable activities. In any event, if you email Mr. Morgan, he'll send you a copy for free, so what do you have to lose?
The Josh is the latest sexy homo digest, a genre I'm frankly growing tired of since most are no where as good as the magazine that inspires them, Butt. The Josh however shows promise because of well chosen illustrators (most notably Logan MacDonald) rather than the typical dull attempts at naked homo photography (although there is that here too). I'll be following them.
Hot Coals Only by Peter Sutherland published by Seems Books. A collection of photography and prose.
Anomalies by Mårten Lange published by Farewell Books. Photographs that abstract everyday objects.
White Fungus Releases Issue 10
My favorite is out... hard to find in the U.S, but worth the hunt. Perhaps they'll make current issues available on their site?
New releases from Hassla Books including Taciturn Heart, a collection of photos by by Marcelo Gomes and Woman With A Camera (35mm) by Anne Collier. A Book Signing for Anne Collier's Woman With A Camera (35mm) will be held Saturday, January 16, 2010, 5-7 PM at Printed Matter.
Seems Books publishes Paul Wackers Giving in to Live the Experience, a lovely collection of the artists paintings and drawings.
Also, one of our favorite art zines, White Fungus is holding an event at P.P.O.W 7PM tonight in New York launching it's 11th issue. P.P.O.W is located at: 511 West 25th Street, Room 301 (at 10th Avenue).

We are often quiet ... but now we have a reason! So, yeah. Our zine, Put A Egg On It, just came out and we're in the throes of promotion and post office trips. One cool thing: the zine was in this weeks New York Magazine Approval Matrix! If you're in New York, you can pick up a copy at St. Mark's Bookstore, Spoonbill & Sugartown, Marlowe & Sons, Cinders Gallery and Desert Island. Or you can get your copy here.
On top of that, we're moving into a new studio today and tomorrow! What should we name it?
Ms. Keough and I are trying to juggle our jobs, our mag and Print Fetish - sorry dudes, sometimes the blog loses out! I really feel guilty though, because we've seen some great stuff lately, especially the goodies we picked up at The NY Art Book fair a few weeks ago. Print is not only alive - it's being made by some sexy ass people. Serious cruising was done at the art book fair.
Last week German business mag Werben & Verkaufen interviewed me about the future of Print. Andrew of Magtastic was also interviewed. Anyone see it?
New Releases from PF Favorites:
Featherproof Books: The Universe in Miniature in Miniature by Patrick Sommerville is the story of a Chicago man who is bequeathed a supernatural helmet that allows him to experience the inner worlds of those around him. This limited edition turns into a mobile! Buy here.
Gym Class Magazine is bigger and sexier! Buy it Here!
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